Anony-Brother has made the 'Listen to God' Brochure(s) -- Reg and Simplified available!!!!
by yknot 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Anony-Brother has made the 'Listen to God' Brochure(s) -- Reg and Simplified available!!!!
& To Yknot and Anony-Brother!
That symposium talk about 'Enemies of the State Watchtower Kingdom' - the Babylon the Great part. What the hell does BTG have to do with the airing of a gay sit-com? Where's the diatribe about the big 'false' doctrines of yesteryear? Is BTG to blame for the gas prices and drive-by shootings too?
And the very first talk on the Friday about the overlapping generation - overlapping school children? What? Once the child leaves school, it ceases to be 'school age' and breaks the connection with other 'school age' students.
And did anyone notice that the 'souls' in Rev. 6 are now resurrected anointed who overlap with the anointed still living on earth? 'Souls,' post-mortem heavenly life for humans? Huh? Did I hear right? A little different from the Rev. Climax interpretation. And if Sub-group 1 'Generation' are spirit-anointed who saw the sign of 1914, and these include those in heaven, how can that be if the resurrection of the anointed began in 1918? I think I need to listen again or else this is some seriously mucked-up reasoning.
But first ... the Apostasy part is cued up ...
They really are beating the "overlapping generation" crap like a dead horse.
Apostasy - same ol', same ol'. Partly right in that those who have been mistreated in the congo are often shaken into reassessing their views about the Org. Otherwise, it's the usual missing the point and 'don't touch anything remotely apostate with a 10 ft. pole'; 'trust those that God has chosen, i.e. us'; 'don't bite the hand that fed you.'
Started to download it, but I don't think I want to sit through it if I don't have to.
I might download it and listen anyway. Marking just in case.
What if the "hand" that's feeding us is shoving a strychnine-laced elephant poop sundae in our face?
Apostasy - same ol', same ol'. Partly right in that those who have been mistreated in the congo are often shaken into reassessing their views about the Org. Otherwise, it's the usual missing the point and 'don't touch anything remotely apostate with a 10 ft. pole'; 'trust those that God has chosen, i.e. us'; 'don't bite the hand that fed you.'
Apostasy is a destructive pathology that sets in when a person starts taking backwards steps away from Jehovah's Organization.
Beware, brothers, for fear there should ever develop in any one of you a wicked heart lacking faith by drawing away from the living God; but keep on exhorting one another each day, as long as it may be called “Today,” for fear any one of you should become hardened by the deceptive power of sin. Hebrews 3:12-13
Case in point, I've observed the arguments that apostates have wagered and my faith isn't shaken.
However, brothers, respecting the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we request of you not to be quickly shaken from your reason nor to be excited either through an inspired expression or through a verbal message or through a letter as though from us, to the effect that the day of Jehovah is here. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-2
Rachel-Alice Maze....
YOU aren't a 'good dubbie'.........
If you were you wouldn't be here on JWN and you certainly wouldn't be commenting on a thread about the DC which isn't set to debut in Houston until July!!
Heck when you first started posting you had attended in forever !!!
BTW which one are you attending...... I have been invited to one in Katy (7/8) and the one in Rosenberg.....
oh but seeing how you are already running ahead and being a Korah-Rachel...... you 'maze' as well go ahead and download the brochure!
giggles and huggles to ya Rach!