Losch is dark haired and Jackson is far too young to be the old guy on the right... I don't think it's either of them personally but makes for an interesting conspiracy theory.
Picture watchtower march 15 2011 page 31
by Gorbatchov 25 Replies latest jw friends
compound complex
I recall reading somewhere that in Rutherford's deliberate stirring up of controversy (and resultant "persecution") leading to court appearances, it was arranged beforehand for an attractive Witness to represent the organization. It may have been with regard to the flag salute issue during WWII.
The sister in the photograph is comely ...
Ugh, Coco, she looks so "sisterly" she turns my stomach. I hate what the org does to the way women look. I see them where I work and I can always tell they are JW's.
Aussie Oz
Love the stereotypical presentation of the nasty Catholic...
must STILL be the ememy!
The cross, the rosary, the bible on a stand, the jesus statue...
why are the art departments efforts soooo lame? I guess its 'spiritual' men with no qualifications in charge.
The country this took place in has a super fast judicial system.
Field service at say about 10:00.
Police ride to court house at say about 11:00.
Lunch 12:00.
In front of the Judge 1:00.
Back home changed out of meeting clothes to tell others about it.
What a day !!!!!!!!!
Shame on her for harrassing that elderly woman to the point where she felt compelled to call the police.
Meh, someone in Bethel has a thing about sisters having to wear heels / dress shoes. Going out preaching wearing even 2 inch heels is a quick way to sore feet & back pain.
charlie brown jr.
If this Picture wasn't Photoshopped and the Pictures hanging in the Court are GB Memebers......
Wow that should open alot of eyes ...... it's time to leave!!!!
There is NO PLACE for that type of Humor in Jehovah's Word or World........
Looks what he did to the Israelites LOL
And 2 kids teasing a bald man and She Bears Ate them......
It's Showdown Time!!!!!
Found Sheep
I think subliminally they are saying the GB back you up and will be there for you. In reality they will CTA way before they CYA
Uhh, what is the actual story that goes along with these pictures? Is the dub being arrested? Is she a witness to a crime?
A heck of a lot of media covering this story....lol!!!