Would you engage them in conversation? Would you be home but hiding? Would you let them have it??
If JWs Come To Your Door How Will You React?
by minimus 33 Replies latest jw friends
Pepper Spray? Oh wait... it's been done...
Poor Danny.
Broken Promises
My last encounter:
I haven't seen her since.
If someone didn't know that I was ever a Witless, I might try to have some mischievous fun with them.
Mr. Falcon
Minimus, it's strange that sometimes when I have to knock on someone's door and their response is negative towards the Truth TM , I have to bite my tongue from telling them that they are smart and I agree with them 100%.
Tell them, Mr. T.
I live in an apartment complex that does not allow soliciting. The witnesses know not to go door to door in our neighborhood.
Too bad those college kids who do door to door magazine sales or those people from the Potter's House don't know this.
I just accept the tract from the Potter's House people and tell the sales people that I am not interested.
The one who comes to my door denied the WT ever set dates. I told him I'd seen a list of them in a story about Harold Camping. I have to play dumb, so he doesn't shut down. He didn't believe it and asked for proof from WT literature and not 3rd-party opinion. I have 20-odd pages of WT quotes for the next time I see him. He seems like an intelligent guy who actually cares about the Bible. We'll see if he cares more about God or his group. I love quotes-watchtower.
They come very regularly to our door. My husband thinks its funny and likes to answer the door and tell them that his wife used to be married to a JW that beat her.