Since College is a Tool of Satan Jws have been reduced to professional gum scrapers for this years San Diego DC...LINK INCLUDED

by foolsparadise 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • foolsparadise
  • carla

    a 53-year-old with a salt and pepper mustache,-- what? he gets to keep his and others don't? Where is the unity?

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I'd like to see the San Diego Chargers football team out there with scrapers. Might as well make themselves useful during the lockout.

  • OnTheWayOut

    This is all about saving a rental fee, making the JW's feel guilty if they don't send someone from every frigging congregation to clean the joint.

    If the WTS number crunchers ever realize a better way to pull in profits, they will drop this stadium deal in a heartbeat.

    It's just a shame to see such dedicated people used as pawns by a multimillion dollar cult.

  • undercover

    Individual dubs are such rubes.

    Yet the City of San Diego and the WTS are pretty sharp.

    The city knows the rep of the 'cleanliness' of the JW religion and how hard they work to clean. The WTS has worked decades to create this reputation. The city gets a clean stadium, the WTS gets a free lease. The individual dub gets blisters and sore backs and the occasional staph infection, not to mention lost wages from missing work.

    The title of the article should be "Cleaning the Football Stadium for the WTS" with the byline reading, "San Diego Welcomes Rubes to Work Free for City"

  • LostGeneration

    Not many comments, wonder if a JW is filtering them. LOL at the JW who spelled schooling wrong then had to correct it! Oh the irony!

    (Oh and he is also the one who claimed that" There are many Jehovah Witness doctors, lawyers, dentists, professors, scientists, etc.")

    I knew one JW lawyer, zero JW doctors, zero JW dentists, zero JW professors, and zero JW scientists.

  • undercover
    Witnesses believe earth will eventually become paradise for the faithful. A Kingdom of God comes after an Armageddon. Sites for their annual conventions, which the 7.5 million Jehovah's Witnesses hold all over the world, try to reflect these peaceful conditions.
    "There's not going to be litter in the Kingdom of God," said David Weddle, a religion professor at Colorado College.

    So is that quote from an outside source or is Weddle another volunteer JW? If a JW, I have to wonder about Brother Weddle's credentials... a religion professor who is a member of a cult?

  • FirstLastName

    I am left curious as who was left to foot the bill for all the cleaning supplies. Yes it was rent free to the WTBS, but at what cost for the people who were there cleaning?

    I might be totally off - but I am curious.

  • JeffT

    So is that quote from an outside source or is Weddle another volunteer JW? If a JW, I have to wonder about Brother Weddle's credentials... a religion professor who is a member of a cult?

    I suspect the quote was taken out of context. I think I will shoot him an email and find out.

  • diamondiiz
    There are many Jehovah Witness doctors, lawyers, dentists, professors, scientists, etc.

    I was going to comment on that too. Too, funny! Another urban legend. Never met one of the above in 19 years in the cult. I knew a teacher which is a close as one gets to a professor I guess.


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