Truth...Or Truth...truth?

by Voices 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    Voices, dear one... you are NOT stupid... and anyone in your life who tells you that/thinks that of you... needs serious (re)consideration. Those who truly LOVE you would take you as you are... and not ridicule or humiliate you... or your thoughts/beliefs. They may not agree with them, but they wouldn't use them to chip away at your self-esteem so that THEY could feel "right." Love... does not look out for its OWN interests, especially not in that way.

    Please... tell your girlfriend (TELL her!) that you are NOT stupid... and that you have a RIGHT to believe what you will... and ask questions to better understand... even if they/it seem "out there."

    I realize that, like most folks, you probably don't want to be "alone" and so risk losing your girlfriend by telling her this. If she truly loves you, you won't lose her. But, if you allow her to believe that you're stupid... and let you KNOW she believes that... you will lose yourself. Which is WAY worse. Believe whatever you will, dear one... regardless of what anyone else thinks. And if it changes, so be it. Believe that, too. It is your human right.

    Again, I bid you peace... and strength!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,

    SA, who is a little irritated at your "girlfriend," admittedly

  • Voices

    Thank you shelby...i'mma send you an message.

  • AGuest

    K! Peace!


  • JamesThomas

    "How does one know Truth..."

    It's simple: What is the one thing that you absolutely know to be true? It's that you exist = I am. The rest is just mind jabbering b.s..

    Rest in the ONE thing you undeniably know to be true, and see what happens. Be still. be still. Be still from the mind story, and fall into the truth of your own silent, intimate existence.


  • sizemik
    Rest in the ONE thing you undeniably know to be true, and see what happens. Be still. be still. Be still from the mind story, and fall into the truth of your own silent, intimate existence.

    Seriously good advice

    Sometimes the mind can be properly compared to a computer hard-drive . . . it needs a good de-frag and some obsolete registry keys deleted.

  • tec

    Voices, you have a Pm.

  • jgnat

    For clarity from the cloud, check out Mark Twain's essay, "What is Man?". This little ditty about truth has stayed with me like for forever:

    We are always hearing of people who are around SEEKING AFTER TRUTH. I have never seen a (permanent) specimen. I think he had never lived. But I have seen several entirely sincere people who THOUGHT they were (permanent) Seekers after Truth. They sought diligently, persistently, carefully, cautiously, profoundly, with perfect honesty and nicely adjusted judgment--until they believed that without doubt or question they had found the Truth. THAT WAS THE END OF THE SEARCH. The man spent the rest of his life hunting up shingles wherewith to protect his Truth from the weather.

    The whole essay is worth the read.

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