Terry said,
I'm completely convinced that a person does NOT KNOW they are filled with pride and hubris UNTIL somebody questions them
and they can't answer. Suddenly their own SENSE OF SELF-IMPORTANCE comes alive! Anger wells up inside. "Who are you to demand and answer of ME?" pops into their head.
Since this "important" person has the power to cut the questioner off at the knees (rather than humbly admit fault) they do so.
This is THE moment.
The person's (lack of) character is revealed to everybody.
That was the moment I realized the whole thing was a sham; it took me to see 18 "respectable" men start coming to work in diapers and calling people names. It was absolutely disgusting.
I had respect for them for 5 of my 6 years at Bethel, until they were put to the test. They failed my test for honesty and humility in others.
They became (or, as you hint, Terry, they probably already were in latency) like trolls on a board - only you actually knew them personally.
Yet one would NEVER HAVE GUESSED they would respond the way they did without knowing their characters in advance. Many like I at Bethel enjoyed their company for years before with no clue as to their spinelessness.
And here they were, calling people "worms, leaches, a cancer, and liars," people like Cris and Norma Sanchez; and you've GOT to listen to their story:
Cris and Norma Sanchez, former Bethel Spanish translators testimony of how they were treated at Watchtower headquarters in 1979.
MP3 format | Real Media part 1 part 2 (RealMedia format, free player)
I was there when Dunlap got DFed. Tom Cabeen told me the day before that this was going to be announced in the AM.
The GB PLEADED with him up to the night before the morning table announcement (I was sitting at the breakfast table shaking, waiting for the announcement, and vowed not to go to breakfast again; though I was a table head and was supposed to) to just "tow the line," so to speak, to just go along with the Franz lynching. People had to be sacrificed.And the WT will use your closest friends to sacrifice you.
It's all about tests of compromising, like in Floyd Kite's talk - I counted 78 "tests" Jehovah can put you through in less than one hour!)
Ed Dunlap tells the story:
Edward Dunlap, former Watchtower Gilead Instructor on the Franz Incident (mp3 format, 28 meg)
my interview in 1981-1982:
Randall Watters and Robert Sullivan, What Happened at the Watchtower Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Spring of 1980? MP3 format | REAL MEDIA format: part 1 part 2
Then it was like Jonestown tapes - the moans and cries and weeping over the slaughter as it occurred.
I had seen enough.