Seriously! I've been planning on going to this foreign langauge District Convention for over a year and because some genius in New York planned it on July 4th weekend all the hotel prices have been jacked up making it impossible for me to attend. F**k!!!!!
I'm So Pissed I Can't Go To The Convention!
by Philadelphia Ponos 44 Replies latest jw experiences
Wow, really? And you want to go, why?
If you really love Jehovah, you'll find a way to get the money.
take the week off, go fishing (for real fish)
If you really love Jehovah, you'll find a way to get the money.
lol, classic!
Philadelphia Ponos
After studying this language for 4 years I could of had the opportunity to be around hundreds possibly thounsands of natives speakers. Immersing myself in the language for 3 days would of been a tremendous help. I would be able to see what progress I made and I what I need to work on. I'm going to miss out on such a big opportunity. All because some idiot refuse to acknowledge worldy holidays.
It's not that I love "jehovah", I love the idea of being able to speak two languages fluently.
You'll miss out on all that timely, refreshing spiritual food from the faithful and discreet slave and countless blessings....I'd be pissed too!
If it's Jehovah's will for you to attend, he will make a way for it to happen.
Some of our brothers must walk more than 10 miles, through dangerous wilderness and through water, just to attend a Book Study. They put their trust in Jehovah -- and he rewards them.
Just think how much Jehovah will bless you, even if this means taking out a loan with high interest, just so you can be in association with the most clean people on the Earth.
Talk to the secretary in your hall, let them know you're coming back and interested in attending the convention. They *might* let you see the recommended lodging list which has hotel discounts.
If you're doing this just to learn a language, there are more effective ways to aquire a language (classes, podcasts).
PS. when I first saw your title I thought it meant you had drank so much alcohol that you couldn't make it to the convention
Take a sleeping bag and a tent.
Shower at a truck stop.
Jehovah will be pleased with your sacrifice.