Why Do JW Leave and Want Nothing to Do With God

by castlelover 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • castlelover

    I find reading this information from different individuals that being a JW and then leaving has people not wanting anything to do with God. Why? Did God tell us to become members of a cult? I don't think so. But I was the same way. I think it is a form of programming that is given over and over that we would be like a dog returning to its vomit.

    Well I guess I like vomit according to them because I have gone back to GOD but not on their unholy terms. It has been a struggle but I continue to deprogramm over time and have been able to heal.

    Here's hoping that healing will come to us all that have left and now that the world is free of their intense mind control it is good to be alive.

    See ya!

  • writerpen

    Thanks for your words. I too am dealing with the fear of worshiping God through other avenues. I've just started attending an Episcopal Church and get this - the Pastor is a woman. I love it! Glad to hear that with time the fear subsides.

    "Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" - Negro spiritual

  • tyydyy


    You sound sincere in your question. I'll be sincere in my answer.

    I think most that I've talked to just opened their mind all the way. The questioned everything instead of letting someone else tell them what to believe. Even when it comes to the Bible. So, in short, we asked questions that noone in religious circles can answer in a logical way. Noone has been able to offer proof of God or his concern for man.


  • Adonai438

    Yes, guys and gals, God is Great!
    I myself am now a christian after much research and study.
    JWs may be misled or outright wrong on almost everything but that doesn't mean God doesn't exist at all. Study his Word and the truth shall set you free :) <>< Angie

  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    For me, God is like a carrot on a string...or maybe I should say a Snicker's Bar on a string...it's tempting, i want it...but, when I grab it and pull........

    .....the string on the Snicker's bar opens up a giant door to a huge closet full of JW stuff and it all falls on top of me like an avalanche.
    ie: If there is a God...what is His name? Does He really care what us humans are doing? Does He have an earthly organization? Is Jesus God? Is there a Hell? Is it ok to have oral sex? Will smurfs get me? Will someone see me buying Lucky Charms at the grocery? etc. etc. etc...
    sometimes it's best to keep the closet door closed, unless you have the energy to have a garage sale.

    see...not all former JWs are weird

  • compton

    This has bothered myself no end. I see ones that have turned aethistic and suppose
    them to be stumbled. Each person must have a relationship with God, who else can
    help in time of trouble, as we are right now ! We all thought America was secure but
    we realise now we were living in a dellusion.Its up to those that have faith to help those
    that are not strong. The Watchtower taught twisted reasoning that we had to go throught them to reach Jehovah. Did'nt Jesus say that the Devil would perform many miracles that
    would decieve even the very elect if it were possible.


  • Pathofthorns

    I think most people that do leave give Christianity a fair shot. The problem is, the WT was very good at proving other religions to be false and corrupt, so the exJW automatically discounts these.

    When the exJW applies the same critical analysis to Christianity and the Bible without bias, he realizes that it becomes impossible to make it work without jumping through hoops.

    The bottom line is that exJWs do not want to be misled twice, so they are more critical, more skeptical and more open minded to look at what the facts are really saying, and not just what u want them to say.


  • NameWithheld

    Why oh why must the religious always assume that those of us who have researched and concluded that there is no compelling reason to believe in the whole religious sham are so sad? I for one think it takes more strength and 'faith' (in humanity itself) to come out from under the belief that someday a big sky daddy (or momma) is going to come down and fix eveything for us. Perhaps that's one reason the world has been run as it has - most feel they don't need to worry about what they do to the earth since a) they're going to heaven, or b) god will fix it.

    Don't you religious types feel bad for us who have freed ourselves from religions bondage!

    I don't need the approval of some fictitous sky daddy to make my life seem fulfilled - or to 'answer' those impossible questions for me. Funny how god's 'answers' to those tricky questions always seem to come from a human after all huh? Religion and all it's books were all created by humans.

  • Undecided

    Hi Castlelover,

    I still want to believe in God but I am just afraid that if I accept the stuff in the bible he might be offended and I would be worse off than an atheist. I sometimes thank him for things but other times ask why all the bad stuff that could in now way be attributed to sin.
    I'm still lost in all the unanswerable questions.

    Ken P.

  • Beans

    I believe that the bible had a place in time and that time ended not to long ago. With the advances in theories and the practical application of science Creation/God does not seem logical in many aspects.There are to many variables, forinstance why didn`t God make it a perfect world from the start did he want to see how we could have some much pain from sickness and death first?I believe that the bible is the longest fairytale ever and having been brought up with it and been able to see another angle and make my own decission gives me great peace.

    So why do we need to know how we got here?I don`t really care how,it won`t affect my life knowing how or why!So my daily routine goes on and I`m gonna live life any party hard and respect other people for what they are!


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