Ironic Quotes From the Latest WT
by LostGeneration 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hah! Well those quotes are really something! OK here they really are:
What the Bible teaches: “Always [be]
ready tomake a defense before everyone that
demands of you a reason for the hope in you,
but doing so together with a mild temper and
deep respect.”—1 Peter 3:15.
Lesson:When discussing religion, we should
express our views with conviction but without
aggression. We should also show respect
to those whose religious beliefs differ
from ours.What the Bible teaches: “Continue
putting up with one another and forgiving
one another freely if anyone has a cause for
complaint against another. Even as Jehovah
freely forgave you, so do you also.”—Colossians
Lesson: Other people, including our family
members, will disappoint us at times. But if
we want God to forgive us, we must learn to
forgive others.—Matthew 6:14, 15. -
One more:
What the Bible teaches: “Treat others as
you want them to treat you.”—Matthew 7:12,
“Contemporary English Version.”Lesson:We should be considerate of the
feelings, thoughts, and needs of our family
members and others in our community.
When we show “fellow feeling,” others are
more likely to treat us in a kind way.—1 Peter
3:8; Luke 6:38.Again another masterful job by the WT writing department. Public sees the "touchy, feely we follow Jesus" side of the religion, while the rank and file are pounded with the private WT which tells them to shun the hell out of their family members that leave the cult.
No Room For George
Not to mention a false portrayal of the so called loving organization, sorta reminds you of those white washed graves Jesus talked about.
Something else that this makes me think about is, when it comes to some of the intricate debates we see on this board, you know like blood transfusions vs. fractions, or 607 vs 587, or contemporaries vs true length of this generation, I wonder if we're looking too hard into those matters as it relates to whether or not this organization has The Truth as they like to call it. Jesus said his disciples would be recognized for the love they had amongst one another, and it really doesn't get much simpler than that. Its hard to say this organization is loving when they have to throw a smokescreen over their unscrupulous behind the scene doctrines and policies. Its impossible to say this organization is loving when they directly contribute to irritation within marriages and play a central role into the breakup of families.
edit post: cough....liars.....cough
Good observation Lost. The society is the embodyment of compassion and respect for people with other beliefs. That is to say unless you used to be one of the Borg, in which case you will be summarily attacked, harrassed, impuned, shunned and condemmned to execution at the Hand of Almighty God. Can't you just feel the love?
(I think the service Department FedX's a request for execution form (form EX201) to Heaven, Attn:God/Divine Execution Dept. Center of Universe, 68007-2345)
We should also show respect
to those whose religious beliefs differ
from ours.They forgot the footnote:
* This only applies to those ho have never been one of Jehovah's Witnesses. If you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses and decided to change your beleifs, then you will be shown "tough love" (ie. you will be shunned until you change your beliefs back to what Jehovah's Witnesses happen to be teaching at the moment).
Yep that is the footnote needed.
The double standard the WT employs when it comes to "changing your religion" is one of the most disgusting in my view. So many families and friendships have been absolutely shattered because the WT wants everyone else to change their religion, but never allows their born-ins to do so without devastating penalty.
"No one should be forced to worship in a way that he finds unacceptable or be made to choose between his beliefs and his family."
Awake! 2009 July -
Thank you for highlighting yet another disgusting episode in WT hypocrisy.
jean-luc picard
Maybe there is an apostate in the writing department.
Watch out for the scandle when he's dfd.
I think you are right JLP, the writing dept. is full of guys who know the JW/WT religion is full of crap, so, technically they are apostate, but they want to keep their job and position so they will never cross the line, and they laugh their chuff off every time something like this gets printed.