Are JWs Who Join This Forum Expected to Tow the Accepted Line of

by believingxjw 119 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    That was an example of board swarming, which I've mentioned I don't like. There was no interference in regards to opinion, no hidden agenda. But heated threads will be locked .... for the behavior.

  • sabastious
    Sab, The GB, such as it is, is the "owner" of the JW world. Yet, we all know a wrong when we see it. If it is wrong for them to ban criticism, something we decry, is it not also wrong when we do similarly?

    The GB's self titles go far beyond what they physically own. Moderated discussion forums are physically owned by someone. If I play with your toys I have to play by your rules.


  • Curtains

    I so agree jgnat. I'd run a mile if there were leaders here and if we were expected to toe the party line.

    But it is understandable why newbies ask about this - the only answer we can definitely suggest is that you will find out for yourselves, in time, that there are no leaders here.

  • eruption

    Its a lot better to have a verbal skirmash, and real debate, than that stale pretend shite a lot of us entertained and condoned,as JW,s.

    I feel WE usually reach some sort of concensus, often after heated debate, My own example, I started a thread because I genuinley believed in the Ark. I stood there like a boxer going toe to toe, giving as good as I got , not seeking a fight. Until somebody made a really sarcastic reply, but the points raised were undeniable, the other posters had been right, I just could not SEE IT, but rather than take offence at the snide remarks, I just started laughing at the effects many years of brainwashing by WTS had had on me, THEY WTS had turned me into a moron.

    For me having the ability to debate is great, and if I have to tone down my language, its a small price to pay for my continued participation here.

    I get the sense many people here, can handle themselves, I also get the sense that if anyone on this forum tried to bully another, the bully would be( dead meat )

  • besty

    "anonymous peanut gallery" in context:

    FaceBook rules the world whilst MySpace languishes as a footnote. A big part of that is real identity, and the trust that comes with it. MySpacers had usernames, FaceBookers have real names. Barb Anderson, Randy Watters, Ray Franz, Paul Grundy & Simon Green are real names the WTS knows very well. The anonymous peanut gallery on JWN are entitled to their opinion, but ultimately it weighs less. Take your pick.
  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I stopped reading at page two. Here are my thoughts.

    This is a private board. We are here at the sufferance of the site owner. His rules are generally enforced fairly. Banned people who come back with contrition and a better attitude are usually welcomed.

    There are at least a half dozen other ex-JW boards to choose from. Have fun with them.

    There are many free sites where you can start your own message board. Good luck with that.

    Also, I have only been here a couple years. I have only seen a couple situations where I thought the mods overreacted. I'm staying here, for the most part.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Ah Max, I expected better from you. As has been stated before, this thread is not about Simon and Ang or the moderators.

    And Besty just proved the point that many of us have been making. There is a heirarchy in the apostate world whom you are not allowed to question, let alone debate with.

    Besty just proved the point that many of us have been making.
    There is a heirarchy in the apostate world whom you are not allowed to question, let alone debate with.....Broken Promises

    Besty made a point that some people have earned more trust than others..

    Do I agree that you need to use your real name to do it?..... No..

    I have no problem interacting with some of the people mentioned and I do..

    The others I have`nt talked to..

    I don`t need to agree with any of the ones I know and none of them expect me to..

    Your Claims "FAIL".. Big Time..

    ..................... ...OUTLAW

  • besty
    And Besty just proved the point that many of us have been making. There is a heirarchy in the apostate world whom you are not allowed to question, let alone debate with.

    Sorry Broken Promises - what I said does not prove your point.

    The existence of an anonymous peanut gallery here on JWN is not the same as an untouchable hierarchy. Those are two different concepts.

    My point is that I personally will attached more credence to argument made on JWN by:

    • People I know and have met in the real world
    • People I am friends with on FaceBook
    • Long term members on JWN who I know only on here but have a history of making points on threads that I find of interest

    I will attach less credence to:

    • People I don't know, have never met and seem to me to be more concerned with 'post a new word today' or 'my cat had shreddies for breakfast' type threads

    All very nuanced and subjective I know - sorry if this doesn't match your world view, but I would argue that it doesn't match the WTS either.

    * Note that anonymous and peanut gallery is a composite sign, made of two elements, both of which have to be present simultaneously. I am not arguing that everybody has to 'out' themselves on here, rather that if you exist as a username AND all you are doing is mudslinging then your opinion carries less weight WITH ME.

  • Curtains

    broken promises, xjws who have been outspoken against the WTS and who have strong reputations for doing so are not leaders. They standout from the crowd because of the stance they have adopted and are prepared to speak their minds. Secondly they have been here for many many years - most know the heartaches and difficultes they have had to cope with. Often in real life they have lost everything. WE love them but they know that if we disagree with them we will not withhold our opinions and in doing so we are all heroes and heroines. We find a connection here with those who have been there and done it and stayed on

    You are entitled to say that you think we have leaders here or that JWs who join this forum are expected to tow the accepted line - it really dosen't bother me as I know it is not true. I think you should expect others to come and say so too.


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