So i was talking to one of my jw family members and they have been really trying to get me to come back. They believe that they are part of the only true religion. One of the reasons was because of them being the only religion that is being persecuted they claimed and somewhere in texas or some where in the midwest or something a memorial was raided by a group of people and i guess they planned at a football game or something? have u guys heard of a story like this and i guess i shoud do my own research but im sure jehovahs witnesses are not the only religion getting persecuted
Jehovahs witnesses the only religion being persecuted
by deservingone26 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
they made an announcement at a football game that they were going to interupt the memorial or something
Trust me when I tell you this, JW's ARE NOT the only religion being persecuted. They want you to think that, but its not true.
I REPEAT-NOT THE ONLY ONES. Please do research. I recommend reading Crisis of conscience, Captive of a concept, etc.
Black Sheep
Persecution isn't a single event, It is systematic mistreatment of individuals or groups like the treatment of Bahá'ís in Iran.
JW's suffer very little in the way of persecution, certainly nothing in comparison to first century Christians that were being tortured and killed en masse. There persecution generally amounts to nothing more than ridicule for being quirky such as received by Mormons, Hare Krishnas and Scientologists.
Christians that can really claim persecution are those such as during the 12th century, when tens of thousands of Cathari were killed by the Catholic Church for heresy
Peace Churches have suffered for their stance against war, with members being subjected to persecution, imprisonment and death. For example, Hutterites were subjects of persecution in America during World War 2 and when two Hutterites died in prison after refusing the military draft many Hutterite colonies moved to Canada.
h ttp:// has an interesting article outlining current and historical persecution of Christians.
Your family says so without investigating probably.
To tell you the truth, in fact, they almost know only their own religion.If they investigate some religious groups in Japan a little, JWs will get to know that they have been oppressed.
For instance, "Oomoto" and "Soka Gakkai."Regarding "Oomoto", Wikipedia says like this.
"The first "Omoto incident" (Omoto jiken), in 1921, was a government intervention followed in 1935 by the "Second Omoto Incident". The 1935 incident left its headquarters destroyed and its leaders in captivity." regard to "Soka Gakkai" (SGI), it is written like this. (They are in about 200 nations.)
"Makiguchi and Toda challenged the militarist government and its war mobilization efforts, [7] refusing to accede to State Shinto and emperor worship. The two, along with other top leaders, were imprisoned in 1943, as “thought criminals”. [8] During interrogation, Makiguchi declared: "the Emperor is a common mortal... The Emperor himself should not be telling people to be loyal to him. This should be struck from the Imperial Rescript on Education". [9] Of the top leaders arrested, only Makiguchi and Toda did not renounce their faith and beliefs. Makiguchi died in prison of malnutrition at age 73, and Toda was released July 3, 1945."
IMO, your family may say that their religion (JW) is the only true religion, even if they look hard these informations.
Probably, they do not need those evidence.possible
Since Rutherford took over in 1916, the WT has been seeking out ways to fit the mold found in Mat 5:10 and 1Tim 3:12 so they can get on the soap box and claim their spot as the only persecuted religion... but they would do this only when it doesn't cost them anything. For example, in Malawi brothers were coerced by the WT leadership into refusing political party affiliation ID cards so their wifes and daughters could get beat up and raped (then they could use them as examples of faith in assembly talks whenever productivity and donations declined)... whereas Mexican brothers were allowed to bribe government officials to obtain a military service compliance card (since the WT didn't want to make any waves in Mexico and lose their right to purchase and flip real estate).
But as JWFacts and Possible-San just pointed out, many churches around the world have suffered persecution as well... some even more so then the Jehovah's Witnesses. So the WT needs to sit down and take a number before claiming this spot...
This reports current news of persecution against religions, incuding jws.
One little news item doesn't constitute 'persecution'.
What specific proof do they have of systematic ongoing persecution that isn't comparable or less than other faiths go thru'?
Jehovah Witnesses the ONLY religion being persecuted? LOL. More like persecution complex.
Buddhists, Muslims, Jews and about every other group are persecuted in some form. JWs are as well (like recently in Russia). But ONLY religion?
In western democracies, I find what Witnesses think of as 'persecution' pretty laughable. They'll often look for any situation as 'evidence' that they are being persecuted, for instance tv exposés exposing child abuse, criticism of false doctrines, kids getting picked on in school, etc. Growing up, I even overheard my family saying that younger people leaving the 'truth' was 'persecution' and sign of the great tribulation. I was thinking, if that's the great tribulation the JWs are getting off pretty easy!