Does the "Faith in Action 2" video say anything that is actually untrue about the history of the JWs?
I just finished watching part 2 of Faith in Action DVD....I'm in complete shock!
by Joliette 30 Replies latest jw friends
Basically the entire part 2 of the DVD is a cherry picked version of their history. They play the victims in the DVD. I dont want to spoil it for anyone, but its I was so blown away.
Tell us what you reckon was missing from the DVD already.
I am sure this DVD is no gripping visual feast. The "no spoilers" rule hardly applies.
Mickey mouse
Did they not mention 1975 or the great apostasy of 1980?
^You'll have to watch. I dont want to spoil for anyone.
You'd save me the pain, really. Were they the real victims of Hitler's juggernaut?
Hehe... just finished watching it. Im going to be as unbiased as possible now.
The Good:
The bible students back in the day and even the JWs now truly see a need to talk to others about Jehovah and what he has done for mankind. I admire that.
The Bad:
This isnt an accurate history. Bits have been left out.
They play the victims which makes me very critical and suspicious.
They clearly try to make the viewer feel, through clever imagery and music that the organisation is just so incredible.
They show how they have been very judgemental of other religions and then are surpised when they meet opposition.
The governing body still dont explain where their claim to power comes from.
All in all, an interesting watch but i do believe it will go into the library of JW propoganda.
If youre thinking of watching it, go ahead, but i do believe that 45 minutes could be FAR better spent on reading about Jehovahs TRUE arrangement in the bible. Now thats time better spent!
The weirdest part of the dvd was when Anthony Morris says that the brothers 'were feeding off of Jehovah's mind?' WTF that sounds like canniblism?
Castrated? I'd heard about tar and feathering and the experience of the brother that they attempted to hang, but castrating???
One watchtower heavy curses on the dvd...not saying who though.