A Guest,
Greetings, dear BOTR... and peace to you!
I notice that you post thoughts that I personally have never encountered in any readings elsewhere.
Yes, I understand that. I'm sorry if it throws you off; that truly is not my intention, not at all, but only to share the truth about these things.
You always had a string of scripture citations to make your point. Citations from books of different genres and time frames. I'm not being nasty here.
First, I understand...and accept... your sincerity... and thank you for it. Second, I include the verses/scriptures for those who need to see things in writing. I would LOVE to be able to share what I do without having to include them (and sometimes I do), as they are quite tedious to type, highlight, bold, etc. Slows me down. Also, it enables (i.e., helps ones to further walk by sight... than by faith). But I understand that some still need "milk" and it would be unloving of me to deprive them of it.
I'm very curious if you belong to a religious off-shoot that teachers this doctrine.
I do not belong to a religion, dear one... or a church, per se. I AM the church, a living stone in the Body of Christ, which is the "temple" of God. I am a member of the congregation of the Firstborn.
Just b/c I don't recognize its basis does not mean it doesn't exist.
I am glad you feel that way, truly!
You preach to us more than the Witnesses preach.
Well, if you mean my "hours" exceed theirs, I would probably agree. My motive is a little different, though: it really is out of love... and not just "counting time."
I thought this strange. Now I wonder if you belong to a different denomination.
No denomination, dear one. None at all. I am a christian by means of an anointing with holy spirit... and for no other reason... or religion. I do not ascribe to or belong to any organization, institution, religion, or denomination.
It doesn't matter in the end. Your thoughts are valid as your own. And I know I am wording this awkwardly. It is a very different style than others. Not saying it is bad, just very different.
You are not wording this awkwardly at all, IMHO. It IS very different, dear one because (1) they are not my thoughts, for the most part, but what I receive from my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH, who is the MOST Holy One of Israel and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; and thus, (2) it is THEIR style and not mine... or any [earthling] man's that I know of.
I hope that helps clarify. I have received a number of PMs this weekend, however, asking several questions (of the same or similar kind). Rather than respond to each one individually, I will make one post that contains responses. I will PM you the thread link, if you wish. Or, you can just click on my avatar name and go to my lastest post or so. Either way... and, of course, the choice is yours. Please note, however, that I won't be doing it to bring attention to myself but to respond to those who have serious and sincere questions... in the most expedient way possible.
Again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,