Watchtower Land Grab?

by Marvin Shilmer 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Watchtower Land Grab?

    Today I uploaded a new article to my blog giving attention to an under-publicized directive from Watchtower issued to elders in March of 2000 regarding distribution of property assets when a congregation is dissolved. Readers can make of it what they will, but I think the documentation speaks for itself.

    My article is titled Watchtower Land Grab? and is available at:

    Marvin Shilmer

  • sd-7

    Wow. So even if the Watchtower Society doesn't exist anymore, as long as the assets go to a corporation run by the Governing Body, that's cool, too... Sounds like they've definitely thought of all possible ways to preserve their own existence financially.

    Funny how when it comes to real estate, the Governing Body isn't worried about acquiring too many storehouses or tearing down old ones and building new ones... But when 'Christendom' does the same thing, they're trusting in the god of riches or engaging in 'shameless luxury'.

    In short, even in the event of a near-complete destruction of the Borg, they'll still be able to start again from scratch should the need arise.


  • out4good3

    This is not surprising.

    I think it has been established as fact already that the WT organization only real interest is the sustainance and perpetuation of itself even at the expense of what is true regarding spiritual matters or in acting in the best interest of the flock.

    It is a publishing and real estate holding company primarily masking itself as a religion on the side to enrich itself through free labor.

    Nothing else maters to those goons.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    LOL, Martin I bet they hate you in Bethel.

  • AGuest

    Wow (may you all have peace!). So, no "remainder in O" (the orignal Grantor - i.e., person(s) who GAVE/DONATED the land - which is almost always the case)... or members who bought and paid for it. You'd think they'd be directed to sell it and evenly distribute it to all living publishers... or the estates of non-living publishers. Or at least, the widows, orphans, and "poor" in the congregation/sister congregations. Because you KNOW there are assets (the land, if nothing else) because what KH has debt (other than property taxes, utilities, and the mortgage to the WTBTS)?

    Sad. Very sad. And very devious.

    Religion... if not a snare (and it is)... then certainly a racket. At least, this one is.


    A slave of Christ,


  • snowbird
    "... recognizing that it (Kingdom Hall) belongs to Jehovah."

    Oh, really?

    Then, Jehovah lives in New York.


  • sabastious

    The dissolving of the congregation is a requirement for the land grab to take place. This, to me, seems to be the Watchtower's legal protection from whole congregation's trying to break off. If a congregation decides to defect then they have to go get their own building and land. Interestingly, the Watchtower would make a massive amount of profit on any congregations this happens with.

    Another scenario I can think of is when attendance drops off so much in an area that the congregations that go to a particular lot are are dissolved. Then the land, with a nice building on it, would be given to the Watchtower to sell. At which point the Watchtower has full legal rights over the property and therefore collects all the money upon the sale.


  • cantleave

    Greedy, duplicitous bastards!!

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    No Room For George writes:

    “LOL, Martin I bet they hate you in Bethel.”

    The ones who dislike the light of day undoubtedly get red faced now and again on my account. The ones who like the light of day applaud my effort to share information.

    Marvin Shilmer

  • dozy

    Far be it from me to appear a WTBTS apologist , but such clauses in title deeds are standard practice for unincorporated bodies , such as churches and charities. The local charity I am associated with also has a similar condition. The last thing you want is a rogue board of trustees or schism minded church minister to lay claim on a property that is used by a national charity or church.

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