Led Zeppelin/ Robert Plant / Jimmy Page -Fav. Songs ? U-Tubes Welcome !
by flipper 66 Replies latest jw friends
No Room For George
Flip, wsup with you tonight ? You drinking? Partying? Cuz all the threads on music you post tonight are alright with me. The doors, Zeppelin, The Who, I like all that white wang dang stuff as my dad calls it. Glad I was exposed to it.
Flip you have to hear Little Boy Blues song, Dream Weaver/Seed of Love. It's two songs, but one leads into the other. Dope Psychedelic music man. I've never been high a day in my life, but that music tempts me.
No Room For George- I hear ya man. Nope. Still on my first glass of Merlot Wine dude. Just feeling sentimental with a few of my favorite ( among many ) groups / solo artists tonight. I've posted Zeppelin threads before, but I thought it might be cool to post a few combination group / solo artist threads - to compare how some of these guys sounded on their own compared with their former group sounds. I wish Robert Plant would stop fiddle farting around and get back with Jimmy Page and reform Zep with Jason Bonham on drums and put out new albums and new material. Maybe Robert can't hit the high singing notes anymore - but I know Jimmy can sure as hell play the guitar ! My favorite gutarist of all time actually !
I'll have to listen to the tune and group you mentioned ! Thanks for the tip. Have a great night ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
It was when I was 11 or so that I first heard the Immigrant Song play on the radio. I had not heard Led Zeppelin before. I used some of my babysitting money to buy the 45. On the other side was Hey, Hey What Can I Do. I have loved the group ever since. My high school crush looked like Jimmy Page and he and I used to listen to Led Zep in his car, usually Led Zeppelin II. I remember rainy, misty days riding around with him playing Ramble On. I like Led Zep IV and I have a big fondness for the LP Houses of the Holy. LZ is atmospheric and transportive to me. Was then and is now.
The A and B side of my first Led Zeppelin record, a 45.
oooooh I loves the Zep....
When it rains and is the least bit cool, I go straight back in time to Tucker, GA and riding the streets with Jimmy and David or listening to records with my friends in doors on somebody's far out stereo. At the time it took me back to medieval times in England. Now it does that, but it also transports me back to the days of 15 and 16: 1974-1975. It was my friend Pick who showed me this song was about the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings.
For you, Jimmy:
FHN: You beat me to Hey Hey What Can I Do........
Flying High Now- That's great you liked Led Zep right from the start. Me too. I remember my first album WAS Led Zeppelin 4 that I bought at age 13 starting my huge record collection. I remember sitting in the dining room with my headphones listening to the words of " Black Dog " - " Say hey mama say the way you move, gonna make you sweat gonna make you groove " - as my elder dad walks in looking very curiously at me rocking out on the floor. Little did he know his teenage son was having a better time than he knew ! And Stairway to Heaven still remains my alltime favorite song hands down till this day. Awesome group Zeppelin was. I wish Jimmy and Robert would get back together and write songs again