They will continue to laugh about your fat apostate belly privately if you continue to protest anywhere in the world.
Social Networks giving strength to JW protest in Canada!
by koolaid-man 76 Replies latest jw friends
I will be watching for this one to hit the mainstream news. Something remarkable is happening in Quebec. It was under the thumb of the Roman Catholic church for centuries until the onset of the Silent Revolution in the 1960's. It is now the most secular society in North America and becoming more secular all the time. It has just, for example, banned religious instruction of any kind in daycare centers. Nice to see Quebeckers willing to take on the sacred cow of religion, especially this particular one.
'peach them. '
As a jw, i was never peached. It sounds fun, kinda;)
The Social Networks Facebook , Twitter, YouTube, etc. are valuable tools in creating the energy to incite Apostates of The Watchtower Org. to come out and protest and expose the cover-ups, the child molesters, the shunning and breaking up of families going on in The Jehovah's Witness religion.
The Protest Saturday June 25th 2011 from 7 am until 1 pm in front of the Pepsi Coliseum In Quebec city against the Watchtower is getting lots of attention on the Internet.
One of the great things about the interenet is that you can hyperlink to content all around the web with nearly no effort at all. If you really wanted to make a point, you would have linked to relevant social media: blog posts, youtube videos, facebook pages, google groups, etc. demonstrating all the attention this protest is getting.
It is easy to do! For example, searching for "JW Protest in Quebec" on Google can quickly demonstrates how much attention the Quebec protests are receving:
Look at that: 3 relevant hits. 3. And one of those 3 is this thread... critising your post. The other two you no-doubt started yourself as well.
If you're going to make a statement, make a statement you can back up with facts and references. Do you think people are stupid? Apparently you do.
The statement was a blatant lie, and you clearly do not respect your audience.
- Lime
OUTLAW , I agree with you 25 columbia hts. Brooklyn, NY. is the best location to protest. Brooklyn is on our list and when we show up there, we want to make it "THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH"
It is only now that we have the ability to organize and rally the troops via the internet. Our goal is to get many to participate with us and this is starting to happen. Protesting is going to play a major role in toppling The Watchtower.
It is important to show up in large numbers, the impact is more significant and it speaks volumes.
the greatest show on earth?
Protesting is going to play a major role in toppling The Watchtower. ?
Rick said It is important to show up in large numbers, the impact is more significant and it speaks volumes., you need a reality check, Rick.
It is important to show up in large numbers, the impact is more significant and it speaks volumes.
What a terrible idea!
This would play perfectly into the JW persecution complex - it would say load and clear that the world 'hates' JW's, that the world is 'turning on the true religion', and that everything the Watchtower says is true.
Mentally balanced people realize there are far greater evils in the world than the WT, which hurt far more people in far worse ways. Priorities.
- Lime
Double post