Jehovah's witnesses and control, what are your thoughts ?

by recovering 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    A human being has three things that it needs to keep in harmony: Behaviors, Thoughts, and Emotions. If one of them is out of alignment with the others, there will be a feeling of discomfort called cognitive dissonance until realignment takes place. If it is a one-shot thing, the one that is out of alignment will usually just fall back into line with the other two. But if one of them, Behavior for example, is consistently and persistently out of alignment with a person's thoughts and emotions, then eventually the thoughts and emotions will come into alignment with the behavior.

    Example: Door to door field service. When you first become a publisher it sucks and you hate it (emotions). You know nothing is accomplished based on your unproductive Saturday mornings (thoughts). But they tell you what? Just keep doing it and you will come to love it and be more successful at it. And it is often true. When you've been a JW for a year or two and are in the habit of going out every week you kind of like going out on Saturdays "with the friends" and you even start to believe the Thursday night hype sessions when they tell you how great and effective "a shout of praise to Jehovah" you are making.

    Why? Because the behavior is persistent and consistent and your thoughts and emotions have to fall into line with it or else you'll be stressed out. It is a psychological survival mechanism.

    So why the petty things? Why does the Borganization try to control even tiny things that should be free choice like beards, male jewelry, tattoos, pants on women, holding hands during prayer, etc.? What does that "behavior" influence? Dependence. By controlling little petty things the JW is conditioned to check with the organization first before making any decisions. This drives elders crazy (except the ones on power trips). Some JWs become so dependent they bother the elders every time they make a decision in life. But it benefits the Borganization because it keeps the JW either in a state of unwillingness to try anything outside of the "theocratic routine" that has been set up for them by the society or in a state of perpetual childhood where they are constantly asking for permission from their mother organization and its representatives - with the answer usually, "no."

  • JWJunky

    Entertainment- At least five times a months will out in field service music and films were always brought up. My favorite example always used was you wouldn't put a gun up to your head and pull the trigger would you. I can't remember the countless number of cds I threw away but then repurchased at a later date. I mean I remember one pioneer sister would go through her studies cds and recommand what she sould throw away. Or when it came to friends within the kingdom hall who wasn't doing so good by their standards. Don't hang out too much with that crowd etc. One sister even told me not to go to the skating rink .... um your not my mom. Don't get caught talking to someone on a regualar non JW day they would swear up and down that you hanging with bad association. Man I wish I had a nickle for everytime I had to recite that scripture "Bad association spoils useful habit..."

  • flipper

    RECOVERING - The WT society controls EVERY aspect of Jehovah's Witnesses lives. At least they attempt to. Fortunately a lot of 18 - 35 yr.old JW's are starting to wake up due to the influx of information awareness on the Internet now exposing the controlling methods employed by the WT society. So many that age are exiting the JW's. My thoughts are this : The more JW's that start exiting the Jehovah's Witness cult - the more aggressive control tactics will become by the WT society to keep people from leaving

  • agent zero
    agent zero

    thanks mad sweeney, for the behaviour-thoughts-emotions post! that makes so much sense and works in regards to practically anything!

  • Bangalore

    I guess they will become even more controlling as the years go by.


  • Phizzy

    I think so too, Bangalore, they have already shown that they have chosen that path, and I am glad they have, the other alternative was to become more main stream, more inclusive and tolerant, and Heaven forfend ! perhaps a little more Christian.

    They are retreating to the Compound and becoming more harsh in their control, as Cults often choose to do, this will cause many, especially the young, to say "Enough", or if they have some Jewish genes, "Enough already!".

  • Heaven

    Why do they want to control members choices even when it has nothing to do with religion. i.e clothing choices, facial hair etc

    All religions use control so you remain and continue to give them your money. Some religions' leaders as well as the members have become collectively mentally ill. Those who choose not to become ill, leave.

  • designs

    When a religion controls what happens between a husband and wife and has the final pre-packaged say at your funeral you know its High Control.

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