Need your help

by Dogpatch 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    I have a favor to ask and it's a problem that's been driving me crazy for weeks.

    My site is on a Virtual Server system ( where it can not go down more than a few minutes, or a copy server kicks in. But despite numerous chats with the techs with little results, here is my dilemma:

    Currently the site has been displaying this picture, from yesterday AM to the rest of today:

    How many of you see this right now if you go to

    If it is an older picture or different, and you REFRESH your browser to supposedly clear the cache of files, do you see the above image now?

    If you still see a different image and completely clear your internet cache through the back-end of the browser, does it now come up?

    No matter how many refreshes I do in 6 different browsers on a PC and a MAC, I get different variations, but all come up new if the browser cache is fully emptied and the browser RESTARTED.

    I never had this problem before, and I wanted to know if others get the same thing. Just refreshing the browser seems to do nothing through the front interface, even though all my browsers are set to load a NEW PAGE every time I go to a website, not from a cache.

    Thank you in advance,


  • OnTheWayOut

    I don't quite understand your question, but I see the image with the Franz video and more stuff at the bottom that you are not displaying here. If I refresh, the same page comes up.

  • GLTirebiter

    I have been seeing outdated versions of the site from cache on one computer, but not the other. Both run Windows 7 and Firefox 4.0.1. Using "private browsing mode" corrects it. This has been happening for a while now; I figured it was a problem on my end so I haven't said anything about it.

    Edited to add: In private mode, I see the Ray Franz article. In normal mode, I see an older version of the page, with Lady Lee's article dated May 23rd.

    Edited again to add: Yes, clearing the cache made it load the up-to-date page.

  • NVR2L8

    I see exacly as the screenshot you posted...I use IE.

  • moshe

    I see the current picture- WIN7 Firefox4.0

  • tenyearsafter

    I see the screenshot you are showing. I use Chrome for Mac.

  • AnnOMaly

    I see the Ray Franz tribute too. On Chrome. Cleared the cache and refreshed - same image. Exited the tab, opened new tab, cleared the cache again and re-entered - same image.

  • AnnOMaly

    Firefox. Same Ray Franz tribute page.

    Ditto IE8.

  • cantleave

    I see the above picture and the Video plays perfectly.

  • binadub

    Hi Randy:

    I see the picture you posted above and I'm on an older version of IE. My cache is set to clear whenever I exit the Internet.

    Here's a tribute to Ray on the Beacon website (

    ~Binadub (aka Ros)

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