Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.
Every study article is an exercise in the BITE method
by Mickey mouse 20 Replies latest watchtower bible
Inept though Zapp may be, if he were on the GB things would certaintly be more interesting...
Speaking of the "win" win" brought to my thoughts something both my sister and mother would always say, "If we are right, we get to live forever in paradise, if I am wrong, I lived a good, moral life and will get to go to heaven." They make it sound as if even if they are "wrong" it won't make a difference. Their logic really frustrates me, and by their even considering the possibility of being "wrong" reflects to me that they are not 100% sure it is the "truth" but they will still continue to blindly follow the GB regardless.
Chained no longer, I used to say the same thing about being wrong. It came from a place of superiority. I realize now that I was so sure of myself and beliefs that I could pronounce how even if I was wrong I was still better off than most people. That's how good the witness indoctrination is.
Mad Sweeney
My parents tried that line on me when I started fading. I told them straight up that a person is NEVER better off believing lies than knowing the truth. If what we have been taught as "the truth" all these years is in reality all lies, we are NOT better off. How can slaving for an organization of lies make someone better off than being FREE from those lies? It isn't possible.
The sad thing is that they actually think that they are smarter than the rest of us.. I heard a group of dubs discussing the latest field ministry publications, and even they acknowledged that they were simple to the point of ridicule
Why? The conclusion was that the people of "the world" are so badly educated these days and do so little reading that the G B has 'lovingly' made it simple for them , - US so we are not confused ! After all they say, " it is only J W' s who do any reading these days" , the "world" spends its time watching "American Idol" or whatever ......
Mickey mouse
Chained no longer, I have heard that so many times. "It's still the best way to live".
Sounds like Pascal's wager to me.
One of my relatives said that too: "Even if it isn't the truth, it's still the best way of life." Sad.