Better than nothing? The important stat is how many are raw converts vs JW teens, etc.
'Great Crowd' of 12 people get baptised at District Convention!!!
by burnedout 43 Replies latest jw experiences
Looks like about twice as many getting baptized at the district conventions for Spanish than in the English ones. Not surprising.
Anony Mous
We got 18 a well out of the barely 4,000 attendees. 2 old people (>50), the rest were kids (<20).
In the future, each kingdom hall will have A baptismal
pool, built in the KH. New light, Brothers it,s A showy
display, not God like to parade those who are getting
baptised before the on lookers. Yes brothers it,s A
loving arrangment for those to be baptised in there
local congregation. We must be careful with the new ones,
there have been reports, that friends are going overboard
in regards to those who are getting baptised at our DA
and CA..
Let us remerber the fine counsel Matt. 6;3, do not let
your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
Yes with all the hours devoted to FS and as the
great crowd fill our halls as A result of your love
for Jah, this will be A loving arrangment.