We could turn it into a s&m topic if you wish. I'm flexible.
Uh oh, you might have already done that
I am eating some vanilla ice cream trying to stay on topic
You missed her question, I will quote it for you to make it a bit easier
My question is: If Jah has the skill of foresight, wouldn't he have anticipated these girls actions.
Let's just forget about the girls for a sec, due to the fact that you think it is okay to drug(using wine in this case) your own father and have sex with him. What about Lot's wife? If god was able to judge, which he judged all of the men, woman, and children of S&G. How could he not see that she was not righteous? She didn't even make it to the hills did she? So now I put another question out, if he judged her wrong, is it possible he judged some wrong in the cities?
I will let Seeker's points stand on the "desperate times" those poor girls were in worrying about their seeds. He did a bang up job of rebutting that.
In closing, one really appreciates the patience and loving-kindness of Jehovah over his people in the dark ages of human history, when reading these accounts and observing Jehovah's actions in response
Barf, gag, choke, sputter I swear I saw you in a three piece standing behind the podium. Course I was staring at your shoes so as not to LOL at the insanity of that remark. This story does nothing but reinforce how arbitrary god's laws are.
Just as Abraham and Sarah waited for such a long time before producing their own offspring
Need I remind you that it was god who promised abraham a multitude of children, how many times? How much conflict was in that house due to god not fulfilling his promise?And what was Sarah's reaction when told she would be blessed with a child?
When I leave, you will know I have been here