Mocking of the Organization from JWs
by NomadSoul 13 Replies latest jw friends
Resistance is Futile
I think the Governing Body is delaying revising the Reasoning book until they actually figure out what they believe.
How many changes have been made to the "generation" teaching since the Reasoning book was last revised in 1989? Why waste money printing new books if they can't figure out what they currently believe.
I knew a brother new to the "truth", converted, who used to wonder why people said "same comment" or "same thought" when called on at WT studies after the main thought was already read given.
For example: the conductor would call on three people at once, "first Brother A, then Brother B and Sister C". Brother A would read pretty much word for word from the WT then the mikes would go to Brother B and Sister C who would both say "Same comment". He used to get the biggest kick out of if no one could think for themselves and give a comment that wasn't printed in the magazine.
So one meeting the conductor had asked the main question, gotten the answer but was looking for further thoughts. He asked if anyone had a comment before moving on and this brother raised his hand. "Ah. Brother New, please"... to which he answered, "Same thought".
A loyal sister came over for her weekly visit to my home trying to get me to go to meetings one day, brought up the memorial for discussion. The subject of partaking of the emblems had came up. She said to me over 10000 people partook of the emblems last year, that's funny you would THINK the number would be going down instead of up she said sarcastically. I of course was a little shocked by her statement. After that not much was spoken of and she left shortly there after.