Celia was right about asking him to just react to your feeling without scriptural context. Perhap you can just say, 'Can we just talk about people for once.'
I'm sure he'd admit there's a lot of asses who are JW's, appointed men, men who are supposed to be gently sheparding the flock. Ask him what he thinks of it. Just don't get your hopes up. It's always an uphill battle.
Don't be sad if he's angry at you, or calls you names. They get like that. Just try not to be confrontational or emotional.
But, rather than spending a whole day on it, why not just take an hour to talk religion, and then take him to dinner, spend time with him, etc.
Soften his JW hardness, be his friend, and he will listen more readily. Least, that's what I do. I've gotten very involved in my JW parents life since I left home, and now almost all of them are leaving the 'troof'.
But, it WAS AN UPHILL BATTLE the whole way. Good luck. Sorry I was so pessimistic at first. You can reach people, it's just really hard.