They were affectionately called Christendom Cars. You know, the 2 door coupes that the friends had to struggle to get in and out of the back seat, out in service. Was it you, or did you do the spiritually respnosible thing and drive the 4 door sedan?
Who drove the Christendom Car in Field Service?
by prophecor 22 Replies latest jw friends
Where I live even a four door car is not spiritual enough.
The real spiritual publishers have minivans.
that way you can load more people up and drive around doing rural territory all day long, and waste more per publisher time riding around
you can count a lot of hours while doing the least amount of actual preaching as possible
thats how you become spiritual, by wasting as much time as possible, but reporting a large number on your slip at the end of the month.
Oh and I almost forgot. The more publishers riding around in a spiritual minivan, the more time there is to gossip about all those unspiritual ones
who aren't driving around wasting time.
The REALLY spirtual ones had Cube vans with tie downs and butt holders in the back. You could squeeze 15-20 sisters in the back there, no problem. Sure, they have to stand for the entire ride, but it sure keeps them off those sexy high heels. And, if you get one of those converted meat trucks, you can get pretty efficient air conditioning back there for the summer too.
And, a cube van is extremely economical when the gas bill is split between all those people. I mean.. it really makes sense!
the gas bill is split
Wow! Someone helped with gas? That's a 'new one'. ;)
My parents have wanted a coupe for so many years,, but no, must buy that bloody sedan to ferry the publishers around.
One of the first things I had, as soon as I could afford it, was a TR-7. 2 doors, 2 seats VROOM! :D
But, I remember my friend, a fellow pioneer. She had a Duster with, I think, a 318? We never took it in service, but used to do some serious tooling around after ROLLERSKATING on the weekends! hahaha Remember roller-skating --- wholesome fun, big JW activity in the 70s.
I have a friend who bought a brand spanking new silver 2001 corvette convertible in ther summer of 2001. We were both in our early to mid 20's.
Man they busted his ass up and down about that.
He still has it. Probably never leaves his garage more than 5 times a year.
One friend of mine. When we were seniors in High School, his dad an elder then and still one, had bought a brand new Nissan Quest in 96. day in service we were talking about the Dukes of Hazzard and decided to see if we could get the van to catch some 'air' over some railroad tracks.
Well we drove down the street,turned around and gunned it.
Man we caught some SERIOUS air and busted up the front end REAL good. If looks could kill, when his dad stepped out the car, we should have been dead right there.
My friend is no longer in, so we get a good laugh about that still.
It was always nice to have the 4 door to squeeze random people in. My field service was mostly done in informal car groups where the most fun was had.
well i dunno bout you guys but if jesus drove he woulda sported a caddy escalade. especially with all that room, its perfect for a nice productive day in the fs.
I drove a four door sedan when I was first in. I got tired of the car and tired of having to drive everytime I went in field service because no one would help pay for gas and it was just expected that I would drive. The clutch master cylinder went out and I had my truck apart so I took one of the motorcycles to field service meeting one day. That didn't go over well and I got the guilt trip because now we didn't have enough room to take everyone in field service since I didn't bring my car. We actually did have enough room since no one had walked to the meeting place, but everyone was crowded into the cars that were available. Big deal, we're supposed to be walking door to door anyways.
Fixed the car and basically gave it to my little sister. Went out and bought a Christendom car and immediately lowered it which make it more difficult to get in. Took it to field service, they had me drive once and then never asked me to drive that car again. They did ask me to drive my truck once for informal witnessing, guess no one realized how loud an older diesel with an intake and full exhaust is.
Where I live even a four door car is not spiritual enough.
The real spiritual publishers have minivans.
*honesty sheeplishly raises hand*
Coffee House Girl
Ah yes...I am still driving around my 4 door sensible chevy malibu that was purchased because I could drive it out in service....
It is paid for so I am not selling, but next opportunity I cant wait to choose a car just because I like it :P