Where did the stuff come from that "banged", as in the big bang ? Or whatever the theory is now.
by jeckle 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Speaking as an atheist, I think that would be a "scientist" or more specifically a "physicist" question.
Some of us care about the 'origin of man', but many (me included) don't.
Also, some Christians believe that the creation account is not literal, and the G*d used evolution to 'create' us. Some of those believers may know more about the "big bang", or as you say "whatever the theory is now".
Hey thanks for the responce and no offence ment. I personally don't take the whole bible as literal. And I don't bash science or scientific study or physics. My job involes me knowing a little physics. I don't doubt some form of natural selection either I was just curious.
There is enough evidence to disprove the creation myth--but there are still many questions. So just because science doesn't have all the answers yet doesn't make creation true. It has been disproven and now we continue to grow in knowledge in a quest for answers.
I gotta go now, I'm bidding on a grilled cheese sandwich on ebay. It has an image of the big bang.
Sounds like you need to open up a book.
btw how is that name pronounced I keep thinking of a different name when I see it "taliesin"?
Yes, that's it, the same as FLW's home, but I got it from "The Mists of Avalon" - Merlin (I spelled it wrong). :D
And I was answering your question "straight-on". It's really a science thing, imo. :)
Mad Sweeney
Where did the stuff come from that "banged", as in the big bang ? Or whatever the theory is now.
It came from the singularity which I believe was the compressed matter from the previous universe.
Where did "God" come from?
(btw, I'm neither theist nor atheist)
I read a book called BEFORE THE BIG BANG, which offered the novice many thoughts on prevailing theories.
I am not going to try to defend the Big Bang itself, as it is just the prevailing theory. Mankind is in the infancy of understanding the beginning of life, the universe, and everything. One day, something (possibly along the lines of parallel universes and maybe along the lines of universal laws not applying to alternate universes) will replace the Big Bang that makes more sense. No matter what our understanding is, because it is in our past, somebody with an agenda (typically- Religionists) will object and say "You can't prove it."
For now, in our infancy, let me say that our basic understanding is that matter and energy cannot be destroyed or created, but that they can be turned from one state to the other. That suggests that all matter/energy that exists has always existed. If you want to say how that is bunk, then I would say the same for "God." If you want to say that science has to come up with something better than that, then I say the same of God.
If great minds cannot convince Kirk Cameron and William Lane Craig that the God of the Bible is easily disproved, then I will save my breath. Everyone has to take their own spiritual journey, which I hope includes looking at what Science knows.
hey nomad don't be rude to me cause i won't put up with your crap! ok! Anyways I was at work all day and appreciate all your comments. Really it was just an exercise I don't judge what anyone believes or doesn't believe. And I really don't want to argue it either