When I was a MS I used to mention that from the platform. I'd tell the congregation to look around, take note of who is missing, and call them yourselves to tell them you miss them. Don't leave it up to the elders and MS, because if we go on a shepherding call and tell them they are missed, they will reply, "Then how come no one calls me, no one visits me..." They know the elders and MS do it because it's part of their responsibilities. But when you call or visit, they'll know it's because you "want to" (referencing Jesus' words "I want to").
"We missed you SO much at the meeting...."
by Duncan 30 Replies latest jw friends
Snakeface... you nailed it...
I mean, really... where is it written that you have to approach an elder to find out about someone versus calling that person yourself? Also, why would you miss someone at a meeting where there is really no genuine exchange of ideas, feelings or experiences? It's basically your run of the mill bland and boring "business meeting" with no real "To-Dos" aftwerwards except regurgitate the magazine presentations in the KM...
I'm keeping it real here... unless you have close childhood friends in the KH, how can you possibly miss anyone in this kind of environment?
Fortunately, I haven't seen many witnesses since leaving 10 years ago. But I have never thought they would bother to try that LIE on me because they knew I knew that they were never that happy to see me to begin with. Even when I was super active, many were snooty and hateful to me and my girls because we were nobodies. It would be laughable for them to even pretend to say they missed us and I think even they know it.
Hello again everyone.
As Talesin said, I was using IE9, and not managing to get my post loaded.
Tried it also with Safari - same result.
Now loaded Chrome. If this doesn't work, well, I might just give up.
It's very strange and inappriopate when a JW tells me "I missed you!" or "I missed you at the meeting!" when they know I have big doctrinal issues, don't believe in God anymore and think the WTS is an evil mind control cult. Do they think that will all magically go away if I just start attending again?
IE9 works fine if you put this site to compatibility mode.
Found Sheep
Super Passive-Aggressive
One of my good now EX-JW friends hates this. She had not been to the KH in about a year and a sister told her this. She thought Wow not one phone call in a year and you expect me to believe you miss me?
Mad Sweeney
Do they think that will all magically go away if I just start attending again?
Yes, yes they do. The magical "holy spirit" is ONLY at the Kingdom Hall, you know.
Notice how the JWs never just say, "we miss you SO much!" If they ever said that you might have some basis for believing them. But the all-important words are always tacked on at the end, "AT THE MEETING," which is really the point. It isn't that you're missed; it is that you missed the meeting.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"You missed me? It must be time to reload."