Analysis: Did God Condone the Slave Trade

by corpusdei 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • corpusdei

    This is an analysis of an article published by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, entitled "Did God Condone the Slave Trade". Of necessity (and partly because of my tendency to ramble) I do go beyond the article itself into a wider exploration of the subject matter in places. The article itself can be found on the WTBTS website, here, and a PDF version can be found here

    The full analysis of the article can be found here. The shorter, tl;dr version, though, is that this is an interesting article, not only because it’s a weak attempt to address a much larger and significantly sticker issue, but also because it contains a number of examples of selective use of scripture outside of context. A fragment of Ecclesiastes 8:9, which is frequently used for a number of situations, is used as a condemnation despite the context of the scripture being significantly different. The experience of the Israelites under slavery in Egypt is also used, although scriptural evidence points to it being divinely engineered. Most disturbingly, slavery as practiced by the Israelites and early Christians is not only whitewashed, but presented in virtually a positive light.

    Ultimately, both the Mosaic Israelites and early Christians obviously held views towards the practice of slavery that were morally acceptable for the time period – what we would consider barbarous today was not only par for the course at the time, but was more humane than most. While those peoples considered the practice of slavery divinely acceptable, the view today that any form of ownership of another person is one that has come to us by a reasoned understanding of the equality of man to man. This is not something that has come to us through divine mandate and is, in fact, a rejection of several Divine commandments outlined above. The treatment of the subject by the WTBTS, on the other hand, shows not only the expected selective treatment of scripture, but also a repugnant willingness to whitewash the practice of slavery by early Christians. This attitude is a mark of their ideological and theological dishonesty, not only in this article, but throughout their literature and teachings.

  • designs

    How many whippings allowed in the Mosaic Law, one or two under killing someone............

    Jesus as God, if you believe the nominal theology, dropped the ball, he could have freed human kind but he didn't, he threw his own people under the bus and they died as slaves in Roman mines. Swell guy.

  • cofty

    Thank you - marking to read properly later.

    I am always amused when christians excuse the bible's approach to slavery with nonsense about clulture. Did it really take god thousands of years to work out it was morally wrong?

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    I mentioned on another thread that I've been wondering lately whether God was directly or indirectly responsible for racism, prejudice, and slavery. If you're to believe the Tower of Babel account with Nimrod and the confusing of the languages story, then God was the originator of "divide and conquer" via His actions during that time. Then He condoned not only divide and conquer, but slaughter to the point of genocide, and then systematic slavery. Makes you wonder sometimes........

  • dgp

    If you believe that the Bible is the word of God, then he did condone slavery, murder, stoning of people for cheating, et cetera.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    God condoned slavery. Indeed, Paul tells people to stay put. Jesus accepted it. They were products of their time.

    The larger issue is that if we believe Christ is present with us now (not sure what Witnesses actually teach) why the Holocuast, genocide in Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Cambodia, all over the place. Why do children become ill? Why did I become so terribly ill?

    If I think about it too much, I have no faith. People have told me I was near death for years so God could witness through me. God is God. Go pick someone else to plague or find another tribulation that is more fun.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Fundamentally, I cannot read your analysis. I wil explode if I read Witness literature. It triggers me so badly I will not be able to function for a while. Despite being out for many decades, I get so revved up and furious. I was born in. It was never my choice. Never.

    They like slaves now. What are Witnesses but slaves? There is NO autonomy. I recall how they write about these issues. It will leave me wanting to commit violence.

  • ssn587

    BONTR if god is with us now, then just like in anciet biblical times, there is genocide, rape, murder etal. he was supposedly with his chosen people then ande he is with them now (not). You can discern preceive his presence in and throughout the history of man. War still exists, etal.

  • corpusdei

    Band>> Oh, as an ex-Witness myself I can completely understand. For many years after I jumped the fence I felt exactly the same. More recently, though, I've taken to poking holes in JW arguments and enjoying watching them scramble. Like poking holes in an anthill. Kind of theraputic in a way, at least for me.

  • PSacramento
    God condoned slavery. Indeed, Paul tells people to stay put. Jesus accepted it. They were products of their time.

    Quite correct.

    They also knew, being products of their time, what it would means to preach "open rebillion" against Rome and against Slavery.

    Slavery as it was then was quite horrific and quite wrong by our moral standards, slaves were surviors of battles and wars, some were people the sold temselves into slaver to pay debts, some were born slaves and of course some slaves became free people.

    The slavery that came later was, in many ways, far worse than the slavery of the ancient world - it was a racial slavery, it was slavery when salvery didn't need to exist and it was slavery perpetrated by those that KNEW it to be wrong.

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