To All Elders/MS's/ Publishers Who Come Here

by metatron 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser

    @ wontleave

    It happened to us too. I missed a month and the Secretary or whoever writes it down phoned me and I told him I didn't go out and he said well hoser I'm sure you must have talked to somebody and so he put me down for an hour

    it keeps the CO off THEIR back if the publishers report regularly

  • AnnOMaly

    hoser, I know someone else this happened to. He had been in an accident, spent some time in the hospital, broken bones, hadn't been in FS that month. The congo. secretary called him up about his FS report that he'd neglected to put in the box and said that, because he normally turned in his time slips, he had just written down the usual hours for him!

  • willyloman

    Statement many publishers often hear uttered by congo secretaries: "I knew you must have had some time so I put you down for ___ hours."

    It's all about the report and looking good for "mother" and her traveling reps.

  • sizemik

    Maybe we'll end up proving that Satan was telling the truth after all?

  • Chariklo
    Maybe we'll end up proving that Satan was telling the truth after all?

    Did he ever get to tell his side of the story?

  • metatron

    An egocentric, jacka$$ C.O. comes to town and demands that "100%" of the number of publishers show up on Saturday morning, for field service.

    He gets his number by including babies in the audience.


  • sizemik
    Did he ever get to tell his side of the story?

    Only if the book of Job is to be believed . . . and in that context he accused men of being self-interested and without genuine altruistic love for God . . . and my JW experience tells me he may well be right . . . take away the "paradise earth" and "everlasting life" and how many JW's would there be "suffering for the sake of righteousness"?

  • Nabeena

    remember hearing my mom's half of a conversation one month when she hasn't gotten in any time because she had been deathly ill right after a vacation. Pathetic, and she did somehow get marked for having hours. Probably for being such a "good witness" by refusing blood for the deathly illness at the hospital.

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Maybe it's just me, but why would we want to prove the society a liar by lying ourselves? Wouldn't that make us just as bad? I've never made up hours I haven't done, at worst I've 'borrowed' 15 minutes which I knock off next month, which is the same as anything less than an hour carrying over IMO, so the yearly total is true in my case. Probably why I've never been asked to be a MS :)

  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    Maybe it's just me, but why would we want to prove the society a liar by lying ourselves? Wouldn't that make us just as bad? I've never made up hours I haven't done, at worst I've 'borrowed' 15 minutes which I knock off next month, which is the same as anything less than an hour carrying over IMO, so the yearly total is true in my case. Probably why I've never been asked to be a MS :)

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