A guy just can't get by anymore...

by finallyfree! 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • finallyfree!

    its crazy! im a single dad of 2 kids and i gotta work like 70 hours a week just to get by. just to pick up a loaf of bread and a jug of milk is like 10 bucks, nevermind a whole grocery list!

    it used to be possible for a guy to work a normal salary and get by good. if you wanted to be frugal and do an extra 20 hrs a week on the side then a guy could pay off his house in 10-15 yrs and retire young with enough socked away. but im talkin 25 years ago.

    now between half my pay dissapearing for alimony after getting raped 30????? percent by the crooked tax agencys its next to impossible to make ends meet. there is superinfation going on at all levels in food, fuel, commodities etc

    government has wrung us dry and left us out to dry. thats what it boils down to plain and simple. so either suck it up and work 2 jobs or shut up is what our options are. lolll!

  • moshe
    it used to be possible for a guy to work a normal salary and get by good. if you wanted to be frugal and do an extra 20 hrs a week on the side then a guy could pay off his house in 10-15 yrs and retire young with enough socked away. but im talkin 25 years ago.

    So true.

    I remember the good old days- like the asst produce mgr who was 19years old and he was able to buy a new Corvette in 1969 on his salary. He was still living at home, but what kid could do that today under the same circumstances on today's grocery store slave wages?

    Good jobs (THE KIND THAT COULD SUPPORT A FAMILY) were easy to get and quite a few kids in my high school era were able to get married right out of highschool and support themselves. One of friends who did, retired recently after spending 40 years on the railroad and others got jobs at GM right out of highschool and have good retirements today.

    In the old, old days, you went in person and applied for a job, the HR girl scanned your one page application and if you were breathing and didn't act drunk they asked you to sit and wait for an interview- then 15 minutes later ther HR person asked if you could come back in a couple hours and start immediately on 2nd shift. yes they practically nailed your shoes to the floor to keep an able bodied person from going down the street and getting hired at another factory.

    Working second jobs was common- gas station, bowling alley, grocery store and all the money was plowed into saving for a new car (cash) or paying off that mortgage asap. If you did get a loan- they were for 2 or at the most 3 years- lots of people traded every year or two- they had equity to do it on short loans. We were still remembering how our grandparents talked about the depression, so mortgages were gotten rid of as soon as possible. Also, it was still common for a man to support his family on his wages and in my school years very few mothers worked outside the home. In 10 years jobs will be plentiful again- thanks to the baby boomers retiring- the jobs just won't pay much, thanks to our bought and paid for politicians.

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I know what you mean, before I met my partner a few years ago I was trying to work and raise 2 kids on my own....work work work...when do you see the kids...when do you even have a propper meal? Its not just hard on the parent...the poor kids suffer the most..we are raising a generation of kids that barely have parents...

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    Yeah the job inerview moshe....when you could actually get an interview...how has it got so silly? And half the time they still don't employ the right person for the job..progress huh?

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    Its a sign of the last days!..................

    ........only joking.

  • moshe

    Our local school cafeterias will be open for breakfast and lunches for ANY child who needs a meal- how low we have sunk?- this is a nice community- no slums anywhere and 69% of families are on free/reduced school lunches-

    A government that can not provide good jobs for it's populace, faces anarchy and overthrow of it's leaders. We are not immune from the same forces that toppled the leaders in Egypt and don't think for a minute that our government wouldn't machinegun a mob of 100,000 protestors descending on Washington demanding change and an outser of crooked leaders.

  • NomadSoul

    Moshe for something like that to happen it is of my opinion that at least close to 50% of the population would have to be close to the poverty line.

    To the OP, I'm sorry that you're in that situation, been there myself also. But let's not blame everything on the government, but also the bad decisions you have made that have landed you in that position. Yes, getting married to the wrong person is a bad decision.

  • sizemik

    It's been trending this way for quite some time now. When I was a kid growing up in the sixties, we lived quite comfortably as a family of 5 on my fathers income only. Brand new car . . . the latest version of everything . . . 1 or 2 holidays a year. From the 80's it has required most middle and working class families to have both parents working . . . and it saw a boom in the daycare industry. Today 2 parents working no longer guarantees meeting the bills let alone a comfortable income.

    Hedging against the trend by a more subsistence approach (growing food, producing your own energy etc) will help some who own property . . . for a while at least. But many are more exposed and have little chance of working themselves into that position. Now the lottery industry is booming. What the trend will produce as an end result . . . I'm not too sure . . . trouble probably.

  • moshe

    yeah, sizemik, the rich kids were the first to get the Pong game, too- about 1974-75 I think.

    Today- it's an Ipad or Iphone that kids want. I guess electronics is one area where we have a lot more bang for our buck.

  • sizemik

    Ha Ha Ha Moshe . . . TV Tennis . . . I'd forgotten all about that. The neighbours got it first and we were so dam jealous . . . pestered my Dad for weeks. He eventually succumbed . . . just to get his kids back from the neighbours.

    And yeah . . . consumerism in general has something to do with it . . . a LOT more is seen as mandatory possesions . . . especially in electrotech's

    2nd hand cars are relatively cheaper . . . all my teenage kid's own a car each . . . one saved for 3 months on a part-time job after school to get one. I had been working full-time for 6 months before I could put a down-payment on one.


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