The Life of Pi is awesome.
C.S. Lewis, Narnia Chronicles are fun. The Screwtape Letters are also fun.
Madeleine L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time
A collection of short stories from the New Yorker.
Any cartoons from the New Yorker - no one else comes close to this humor.
Bad historical novels - Pope Joan, Phillipa Gregory. They center on a femalel heroine. the book reflects all thie minute historical research in the period but the stories are lame and the characters are poorly defined.
The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency -- fun
Charles Dickens
Shakespeare's comedies
Sherlock Holmes
And if you become sick of light reading, there is always Dostoevsky lurking around.
Ernest Hemmingway-The Old Man and The Sea.
Recently, I read Dante's Inferno in English with a heavy annotation explaining things. It was fun. Of course, it wasn't for school, just for pleasure.
Moby Dick
All those young adult books for junior high and high school reading. They are excellent.
Jack London, Call of the Wild and White Fang.
The Finkler Question- won a major award in England.
Wolf Hall, about Cromwell -Henry Tudor.
The Kite Runner