Religious Reform

by Maze 216 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vanderhoven7


  • bartj

    Couple a points Maze , asked them before but no answer.

    1. The society's view on rape ? Why is it based on an obsolete law system and how can such a view on rape victims equate with what Jesus told his followers about love and mercy ?

    2. Why isn't disfellowshipping practised according to the Bible and recognizing that not all who commit error are on the same level as those who act as the antichrist by denying Jesus actually was the messiah and did not come in the flesh. Sub point why don't they follow both the old and new testament pattern of holding public hearings ?

    3. Changing prophecy only *after* it cannot possibly be fullfilled. Case in point 1914 and the generation , why is it changed only after that interprettation holds no hope of ever being fullfilled. Why don't the society apologise for incorrect (I'm being kind here) interprettation of Bible prophecy ?

    4. Why not move to a faith rather than works model for salvation. And don't start with the show me your faith apart from works as the bible clearing shows that the works referred to are the fruitage of the spirit rather than any other type of activity which some think will gain them salvation..

    Anyhoo just my 2cents.

  • AllTimeJeff

    bartj, I think you are missing the point....

    Maze wants to be a JW, and has made it very clear that we are all hateful apostates to one extent or another.

    The points you make? Don't matter to Maze.

    So let Maze be a JW. Remember, there are over 7 BILLION people who believe differently anyway. (and believe WAY differently then you OR Maze) Our petty disagreements don't matter. (I promise it will feel way different anyway in 2015.)

    Why are you trying to debate someone who doesn't care about logic, and only wants to condemn? There is no basis for debate here. You might as well argue against a self righteous WT magazine.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Maze feels justified to post here based on it's connections, people it knows. Here is the message it sent me below.

    Enough said.


  • AllTimeJeff

    In the city where I live, I happned upon a Gay Pride parade Sunday. As I was walking through, a born again Christian was there with a bible yelling at all the gay men to "act like a man!"

    Yup, it's great to hear "The Godfather" quoted at random.....

    Of course, this horses ass was ridiculous. Many from the gay and lesbian community rallied around a young man who took it upon himself to debate the crazy, irrelevant man. This one man who is still waiting for Jesus, hates all gays, wants them dead, and was there, not for god, nor to save others, but for his own ego.

    I give you his cyber alter ego, Maze. A poster who comes into a parade, not to serve god nor save us, but to indulge his warped personality so that HE can feel good.

    Let the crazy person go. If he wants to be a JW, and hate us all, and condemn us all, ok. Duh. You don't prove a JW wrong by indulging them in their hate. We already know they think we are dead, right?

    And do we agree? No.

    Are we changing each others minds? No.

    So I leave off with this thought: Maze, who moved your cheese? The exit is THATAWAY! We aren't going anywhere and you came HERE. If you aren't a hater, then stop acting like one.

    The rest of us? Let's heal and love. It's all good my friends.

  • Maze

    75 percent of my family are Jehovah's Witnesses Crisis of Conscience. Five elders and numerous baptized publishers. I don't have “apostate connections...” I don't need them. I looked at how trashy the people looked in those Apostafests & Get-togethers photos appeared. Thanx, but no thanx. Even if I devieated from the Truth I'd find friends elsewhere.

  • GLTirebiter
    you don't qualify as his “sister.” You stopped being a family member when you turned your back on the Truth.

    That, Maze, is the difference between you and us. You say rejecting non-Witness family members is a noble and appropriate thing to do, while we see it as a cold-hearted act of revenge.

    My children may be Witnesses, but they will always be my children, and I will always love them. It saddens me that the Watchtower teaches them to do otherwise.

  • AllTimeJeff

    Maze, ok. We heard you the first time. We are disgusting. Duly noted.

    Are you going to tell me I am going to get the shit kicked out of me by two seraphs instead of one? Will it matter?

    Trashy and disgusting = me.

    Beautiful and forgiven = you.

    Ok. Carry on.

  • Maze
    Maze, ok. We heard you the first time. We are disgusting. Duly noted.
    Are you going to tell me I am going to get the shit kicked out of me by two seraphs instead of one? Will it matter?
    Trashy and disgusting = me.
    Beautiful and forgiven = you.
    Ok. Carry on.

    This has more to do with the people that keep making insinuating comments about my friends even though they know nothing about me or my social environment.

  • AllTimeJeff

    No Maze, it doesn't. You don't know anyone here any better then we know your friends. So lighten up, ok?

    Or were you just admitting that it is personal between you and the apostates you know darn well you should stay away from?

    Here is a great way as a practicing JW to avoid having former JW's not make comments about your supposed friends that we don't know anything about. Stop talking and stop stirring up shit.

    Why do you care what we think anyway? You know "We're JUST apostates".

    And you? "You're JUST a JW."

    Get it?

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