Concerning your behaviour towards others

by ixthis 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • EntirelyPossible

    The rudeness is because, as a group of ex-jw's, we disdain people coming on the forum and preaching at us. And despite that being the group norm (one of the key parts of your definition of rudeness), some people, including you, RUDELY do it anyway and then feign ignorance when you get the reaction you already know you will.

    So, why are you rude? I have no idea. But, don't mistake getting your feelings hurt for us being rude.

  • cantleave

    Nicely said EP - that's the point I was trying make.

  • AGuest

    A couple/few comments, if I may (may you all have peace!):

    as a group of ex-jw's, we disdain people coming on the forum and preaching at us.

    I'm not sure that's accurate, dear EP (peace to you!). Perhaps it is for SOME, but not all, and so your comment is too broad. For one, not everyone preaches; some simply state what they believe... which still includes God and Christ... and, as we've discussed on SO many occasions, everyone has the right... and FREEDOM... to choose which posts they will read/respond to. Second, such disdain did not exist here from the start. And it is not necessarily the overarching situation now. True, those who "disdain" may be a bit more VOCAL, giving the impression that "we" (meaning, the majority) have a problem with those who still believe in God and Christ, but there is no proof that that is the TRUTH. It really is more of a "squeaky" wheel being louder and so more readily heard than the other three. But... there are still the other three and I think that if a proper poll were taken, the squeaky wheel of disdain wouldn't be the majority.

    it's not rudeness - it's freedom of speech.

    That's only true sometimes, dear CL (peace to you, as well!). Not all speech is "free" nor protected. Some break the rules; here as well as in the "real world."

    Okay, that's my [other] $0.02.

    Again, peace to you all!

    A slave of Christ,


  • nugget

    I try to take people seriously and respond to posts with a degree of understanding. I do get offended when people don't take the time to read the posts and just give a knee jerk response because they are not after dialogue just an opportunity to get their point accross. It is the judgemental threads that attract the rude responses because it is less about understanding and learning and more about scoring points.

    I have occasionally had abrupt responses to my threads and sadly usually from JW apologists, but in general I have received support and comfort from my fellow posters and useful lessons in the value of not taking myself too seriously.

    On another thread someone said the responses are usually a mirror in which we see ourselves reflected and I believe this can be true. What we put out there comes back to us.

  • PSacramento

    Rudeness tends to come from people that believe that "the ends justifies the means", so their rudeness is just their way of getting their "point across".

    I think that at times some people amy not even know or realize how rude they come off as.

    And some are just assholes, pardon my german ;)

  • cantleave

    Get back to cooking my supper nugget!!!!!

    Is that rude enough for you?

  • NomadSoul

    I am rude but only to sensitive, whining, self-righteous, delusional, self-conscious, over-reacting, and paranoid people.

  • Quandry

    Yes, sometimes we do encounter rudeness on this forum. I do agree with the thought that it is impersonal and many would never reply so rudely in real life-at least I hope so.

    Sadly, it seems that society in general is more rude as years go by, evidenced by road rage, boom boxes (several years ago) loud talking on telephones in public places, etc. Not to mention carrying guns and using them in drive-by shootings!

    I remember when I was a child-US-in the 50's, my mother wore a hat and gloves to shop downtown (there were no shopping centers), my dad wore a hat when we went out, men opened doors, and people whispered when they said the word "pregnant." Men took off their hats inside, and everyone would greet each other as they passed on the sidewalk. I don't recall hearing cuss words until I was in High School, and there, of course, never in the school. That would have been dealt with by the teacher with a paddle-yes-in High School! Whether you felt it or not, you spoke respectfully.

    Oh, for the "good old days."

  • trevor

    I swing both ways and can be rude or kind, depending on whether I have a hang-over, how my wife is treating me, how the stock market is doing, and many other other of life's imponderables. Or it may just be that I feel the need to take a swipe at some ignoramus.

    This forum is great therapy – I hope it never changes. Thank you for letting me share.

  • mrsjones5

    I would hazard to say that one person's rudeness is another person's telling it like it is.

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