Hope this works, I've never posted a link before. Interesting article on religion and personal income, not that any of it comes as much of a surprise. I apologize if it's already been posted.
Very interesting article- Jehovah's Witnesses among the lowest earners.
by JWinprotest 18 Replies latest social current
From the article, linked above:
According to this study, the religions with members earning the least amount of money are historically Black Christian churches and Jehovah's Witnesses. Just 15 percent of members of historically Black churches make $75,000 or more per year, which, as Hutson adds, may have a lot to do with the opportunities available to African Americans.
"We're still living with a long legacy of 400 years of pretty severe racism. We're not really past it yet, and there's still catch up to do," Hutson said. Only 18 percent of Jehovah's Witnesses make more than $75,000 a year. Taking a closer look at the numbers, the Pew Forum also found that more than half – 51 percent of Jehovah's Witnesses are non-white – and only 9 percent of its members have a college or post graduate degree.We contacted the local kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses for comment but received no response.
No Room For George
Maybe the WT should have named the DVD's, Jehovah's Witnesses-Ignorance In Action.
Of course only 9 percent have a degree. It's because:
1.They are not worldly, craving an attention-getting career.
2. They are too busy preaching in the life saving work.
3.There is no need...if one reads all the WTS publications, it is the equivalent of a college education.
4. The end is sooooooon, so an education is not needed. In fact, it's so soon, young people in 1969 were told they'd never grow old in this system.
9% sounds a little high to me. I think it is closer to 2or 3%
But they have the best education and thank Jehovah for providing the Theocratic Ministry School!
I think the article was very misleading.
Almost every JW has the equivalent of a college education just by reading the Awake! and Watchtower magazines.
Oops, double post
only 9 percent of its members have a college or post graduate degree
We contacted the local kingdom hall of Jehovah's Witnesses for comment but received no response.
I really do hope they persue this right to the top and don't give up until they get an answer, as I would be most interested to hear how they explain why, throughout the whole of the last century up until today, they have always instilled a need for their young ones to devote their youthful energies into peddling WT literature from door to door rather than waste time getting themselves properly educated with decent careers.
White Dove
There is an easy answer to it.
Just like me, once a JW gets higher education they get the khell out of dodge.
It's that critical thinking class that clinches it for everyone, I'd bet.
You know that example that if a clock is made by someone, then the vast universe must be made by someone?
That example is in the critical thinking books students must study for their degree.
It's an example of a logical falicy that fails to take into consideration other possibilities.