Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army, is a decorated military intelligence officer and original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program.
Major Ed Dames served as the one and only training and operations officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency’s psychic intelligence ( PSINT ) collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the Matrix Intelligence Agency.
Today, with the secrets of remote viewing developed through a top-secret U.S. military program with the CIA, Major Ed Dames has refined remote viewing to an exact science.
Youtube His "Coast to Coast" broadcast May 17th. 2011 and then post your comments. It will blow your minds.
Some of his team of 60 "viewers" (and they all agree) predictions.
1. Many major earthquakes. The Next biggest one for the US will be on the "New Madrid" fault line.
2. Mass destruction on the west and east coasts line.
3. Massive solar flares for the next 3 years. A early return of the last space shuttle because of this.
4. Demise of the world and us economics by the fall of this year......mostly because of the first 3 items....... and much, much more!
Enjoy my friends