Who Do You Think Are Overrated Singers Or Movie/TV Stars?

by minimus 94 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    His last performance - still the King, and still humble (we miss you E!) as you can see, he hadn't lost it ... considering the drugs, and how effed up he was at the time, he still had thevoice ,,, wow, poor E


    NOTE: that is him playing the piano

    This performance always brings tears to my eyes,,, he's trying so hard to do the only thing he loved .... :( 6 wks later, dead

    And if you can get ahold of his album ,,, Reconsider Baby, the whole thing is previously unreleased songs (blues) with only him playing guitar. He could play,,, it's just that the Colonel controlled every frickin aspect of his life.

    Choreographed the first rock video, too -- Jailhouse Rock


  • FlyingHighNow

    I'm in my Fat Elvis stage. I have outlived him by 10 years now. Meaning I made it 10 years past 42.

  • talesin

    hehehe, me too, but it's a skinny stage (can't eat much,,, no za, pasta, rice, okay, that's enough whining!)

  • FlyingHighNow
  • FlyingHighNow

    My second one and it's dedicated to all the atheists and agnostics....affectionately....on JWN:


  • talesin

    I always liked this one from A Star Is Born



  • talesin

    OY,,, this one ....................


    lovely song .....

  • JeffT

    Too numerous to get even close to listing them all. I agree with almost everybody listed above.

    Trying to add a few:

    Anybody that sings "pop" music

    AC/DC - one or two decent tunes, the rest is noise.

    William Shatner - he's a caricature of himself.

    Janine Turner - she may be a nice person but her acting is dreadful

    ditto Jennifer Love Hewitt

    I like the actor that plays House, everything else on that show sucks. My sister (an MD) watches it for the comedy value.

    Neither actors nor singers, but Oprah Winfrey and everyone on "The View"are like fingernails on a chalkboard.

  • VIII

    Everyone of them.

    Why do they deserve the millions of dollars they make? How many jobs do they provide to others? How much income do they actually bring into the local economy?*

    Why are they not vilified for earning millions, perhaps hundreds of millions a year, and a CEO is? A CEO has responsibiliy for thousands of employees and the health of an organization. I could go on but why bother?

    That said, some of them are good singers, good actors, good word smiths, etc. However, none should be chased by the media like they are. Who cares what they are doing right now? Twitter? What a waste of time.

    Don't get me started on sports stars.

    *Charlie Sheen ended up shutting down production of a very successful tv show. How many people were laid off due to his ego? And he was the most watched celebrity and we were told no one could act like him. No one can fill his shoes. And I should care? Why? I care only because people only spoke about Charlie and not the people who were out of work. Sad commentary on values.

  • AGuest

    RIght now, though, I'm semi in-love with [the acting of] Geoffrey Rush (I know, this was about who I DON'T like... but his acting diversity is off the chain, IMHO). From an renaissance pervert (Quills) to an English speech tutor (King's Speech) to Captain Barbosa (Pirates)... what SKILL! I have to admit, Aussie's are AWESOME at acting (and if you want a beautiful view... or a little "inner beauty, just say "Hugh Jackman" - oh, MY!).

    Okay, enough of this...


    SA, on her own...

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