I remember those secret parties that were stomped on especially in the early 70's and 80's, the Great Apostasy, but they continue and the WTS is still unable to stop them.
*** km 7/74 p. 3 pars. 3-5 Social Gatherings ***Occasionally we hear that brothers or sisters have rented facilities for dancing, skating and other socializing by Witnesses. The Society has received a number of letters from brothers who are disturbed over what they observe or hear is taking place. Are such arrangements proper?
It is not the business of the Society or the elders in the congregations to make rulings as to what individuals may or may not do in arranging social gatherings, although loving counsel by the elders is certainly appropriate.
It definitely is proper for Christians to be hospitable. (Rom. 12:13) But when arranging to entertain others, the size of the gathering is a factor to consider. Experience has shown that there can be pitfalls and problems in connection with large social gatherings. The one who is the host has a serious responsibility. He is accountable for what takes place at a gathering that is under his jurisdiction. At a get-together in one’s own home it is not usually difficult to determine who will be present and what the activities will be. But problems along these lines may increase when there is a large group in a rented facility.
*** w75 8/15 p. 504 par. 22 Do Not Let Yourself Be Ensnared by Fads and Entertainment ***Even when Christians get together to dance, it is best to avoid large groups, as activities can easily get out of control and some may go beyond wise limits.
It definitely is proper for Christians to be hospitable. (Rom. 12:13) But when arranging to entertain others, the size of the gathering is a factor to consider. Experience has shown that there can be pitfalls and problems in connection with large social gatherings. The one who is the host has a serious responsibility. He is accountable for what takes place at a gathering that is under his jurisdiction. At a get-together in one’s own home it is not usually difficult to determine who will be present and what the activities will be. But problems along these lines may increase when there is a large group in a rented facility.
*** w75 8/15 p. 504 par. 22 Do Not Let Yourself Be Ensnared by Fads and Entertainment ***Even when Christians get together to dance, it is best to avoid large groups, as activities can easily get out of control and some may go beyond wise limits.
*** km 9/95 p. 2 par. 3 Do All Things for God’s Glory ***It has been reported that large numbers of Witnesses have gathered at rented facilities where the entertainment is unwholesome and worldly and where proper supervision is lacking. Similar activities advertised as a "Jehovah’s Witness" weekend have been held at hotels or resorts. Because of the difficulty in properly supervising such large groups, problems have developed. Rowdiness, overindulgence in alcoholic beverages, and even immorality have sometimes resulted. (Eph. 5:3, 4) Social gatherings where such conduct occurs do not honor Jehovah. Rather, they bring reproach upon the good name of the congregation and stumble others.—1 Cor. 10:23, 24, 29.