When did Watchtower launch the first WT Library CD?

by FatFreek 2005 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    The first I became aware that one existed was 2005. But I was under some rock till then.

    The other question is have should probably be fielded in some other thread but I'll ask it here anyway . How long have Watchtower writers been creating their magazine articles, books, booklets, etc., by using computer software?


  • The Quiet One
    The Quiet One

    In 1993, Watch Tower of Pennsylvania produced the Watchtower Library on CD-ROM, an electronic compilation of most of its religious materials published since 1950. Subsequent up-dated versions have been released (collectively, the “CD-ROMs”).

  • Honesty

    I have an original 1993 copyrighted version and a 2006 & 2007 not-so-copyrighted version.

    Plenty of ammunition to expose the cult's dishonesty, false doctrines and controlling methods.

  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Thanks for being not so quiet, The Quiet One. Noting that you are a relative newcomer, welcome! We all hope to hear more from you.

    Hey, Honesty, sounds like you may have been inside when that 1993 edition was released. Yes, with all that ammunition that may have been the origin of most of the e xposes on the internet. What they've printed is the WT's worst enemy.


  • FatFreek 2005
    FatFreek 2005

    Kingdom Ministry, May, 1994, Announcements
    The Watchtower Library—1993 Edition will soon be shipped to congregations. Commercial CD-ROMs costing from $25 to $50 or more contain a single encyclopedia or a few reference works. Watchtower Library will access The Watchtower back to 1950 and many other of the Society’s publications back to 1970.


  • Apognophos

    I remember that announcement, it was exciting when it happened. No more researching through shelves of bound volumes for every talk!

  • nonjwspouse

    I su8re would like to get my hands on the 1993 wt cd.but I guess it is also available online someplace?

  • Apognophos

    As far as I know, the content would be the same as a 2013 Library CD except with 20 years less material and a much crappier program being used to access it (I always imagined v1.0 was written in secret by an enterprising Bethel brother on his lunch breaks).

  • nonjwspouse

    I personally have the 2009 library CD, it is a gold mine for research. My husband now regrets the day he brought it home toiinstall. I learned it immediatly and later taught him how to use the search function. At this point he wishes it were not here.

  • NewYork44M

    Yup, I was account servant the night the CDs came in. We distributed probably 20 or 30 CDs one Thursday night. Many of the people did not even have a computer. In any event, I remember counting the money in the contribution box and we had less than two dollars.

    I remember making a comment to someone about how the publishers don't appreciate what they received.

    So anyways, the date of 1993 sounds right. This was when having a CD drive on your computer was a big deal. These were pre internet days where I had my Gateway computer and would load up Prodigy via a 2400 baud modem. Man, I am old.

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