How to destroy the validity of your own mind.

by Terry 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sapphy

    Terry, you're absolutely right about 1914.

    Actually, does anyone doubt that if WW1 had started in 1915, 7million JWs would now believe Jerusalem was destroyed in 606.
    Either that or they would have called 1914 doctrines sincere hearted misguided eagerness...

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    Satanus ,

    I dont think you can examine your thought process without using your thought process which in turn may be fatally flawed.

    As I cannot step out of my thought process.

    To think that there maybe a higher being who knows more than me and is outside of my thought process surely is rational thinking.

    If not what am I left with what my senses tell me. Trying to understand the world from a limited view point.

    Can I understand a box if i am not a box?

  • thetrueone

    Can you judge God whilst not knowing all.

    No but I can judge men and their endeavored ignorances of the world we live as well as their wanting eagerness to capture the power

    of the gods for themselves. For all the good and evil the gods were always men and just men.

  • The Finger
    The Finger


    can you prove your own existence and that you are not the thoughts of some other intelligent being? Maybe i'm wrong but i don't think you can.

    You could be imagining you have you own thoughts and you don't.

    If you can't prove that. You can't prove anything and you understand less.

  • thetrueone

    By the way 1914 was a fictitious dating system created to gravitate interest to the WTS. literature and to shine a bright light onto to those men

    who proclaimed this self imposed unscriptural proclamation., it is and always will be a fraudulent proclamation intended on a premise

    of commercial appeal.

  • thetrueone


    can you prove your own existence and that you are not the thoughts of some other intelligent being? Maybe I'm wrong but i don't think you can.

    I'm not up to prove an negative derived solely on human imagination, I think its important to validate oneself on the basis of ones own perceived reality.

  • JonathanH

    The flaw of your reasoning Finger, is that it annihilates all views, including your own. Christianity or belief in god is now equal to believing that we live on a giant toad rocketing through fruit space. If you can't prove you aren't just some one's thoughts, you can't prove you aren't on rocket toad. Your model renders all beliefs equal, on the grounds that none of them can be proven. To say "you can't prove anything, thus god is evident" is a contradiction, and any statement could replace "thus god is evident" and the statement would be equally true. "You can't prove anything, thus rocket toad is evident".

    I'm getting alot of use out of this comic today.

  • The Finger
    The Finger


    I was saying to me its more rational to think there is the possibility of a something outside of my thoughts that is more intelligent.

  • JonathanH

    To The finger

    And you didn't provide substantial reason on why that would be true. Merely the assertion that we can't know anything for sure.

    If you want to believe it go ahead, I've got other debates going on. I'm just pointing out nihilism isn't a particularly strong starting point for claiming anything one holds to be true as being rational.

  • Satanus

    'I dont think you can examine your thought process without using your thought process which in turn may be fatally flawed.

    As I cannot step out of my thought process.'

    It's because you cannot step out of your own thought processes that you think that others can't. Don't say something isn't possible, just because you haven't done it, or can't.

    'To think that there maybe a higher being who knows more than me and is outside of my thought process surely is rational thinking.'

    Surely. Surely? Are you sure?

    'If not what am I left with what my senses tell me. Trying to understand the world from a limited view point.'

    Yes, we are left w sensory input. If, indeed we are part spirit, then would that not be another sense from which to recieve input?

    'Can I understand a box if i am not a box?'



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