Study Conductor Challenge (plus hello!)

by educatingMyself 28 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George


    Good luck trying to get them to think.

    1914 is significant based on 607 BCE. What historical evidence confirms Babylon's destruction of Jerusalem in 607? None. It happened in 586/7. Russell got it wrong over 100 years ago and JWs are still getting it wrong. If it's such a big deal that Christmas shouldn't be celebrated because the encyclopedia says that Jesus wasn't born in December, 1914 also needs to be tossed out because the encyclopedia says that Jerusalem was not destroyed in 607. As JWs used to use the illustration, you wouldn't drink the water even if there was just a little bit of poison in it. 1914/607 is some of that poison.

    That's what gave Carl O Jonsson the initiative to investigate and also what motivated his conscience to take a stand away from the WT's flawed and erroneous view regarding their so called selection.

  • wannabefree

    I agree with the faithful and discreet slave approach too.

    Finally realizing they couldn't be what I believed they were allowed my mind to go places I wouldn't before. If JW's have the Faithful & Discreet Slave, a believing JW will accept their explanation of all things as if it was coming from God.

    The mind must be able to question the authority of the self-appointed Governing Body.

  • Chariklo

    I would say, be very careful.

    It's very unlikely you'll get them to change their mind. They'll have stock answers for everything, and they're trained to know that if they can't come up with an answer there and then they can go away and research or ask and then come back to you.

    I set out to disprove their religion through their own literature and in conversation with them, because, and this is the key, like you

    I actually quite liked my study conductors and a few others of the local kingdom hall lot

    That was my downfall. Believe me, I never, ever thought I'd get taken in, but I did. And once the insidious stuff gets deep inside it's like ivy, it keeps cropping up when you thought you'd uprooted every last tendril.

    I haven't been to the KH for...actually, it's only about 6 weeks. I receive frequent text messages, all from people who I actually like, and who manage to make it all sound very friendly and enticing. Of course, I know it isn't, I can read all the experiences on this site and fully understand that this thing is pernicious and I think very dangerous to me. Even though I was and am the last person who anyone would ever have thought would get caught. But I was caught, good and proper. And I am realising that I am still very much at risk.

    So, don't do it. Stay away. The best advice I was given when I first came on here was Run Like Hell. That's my advice to you.

  • educatingMyself


    Perhaps I will stay away for a while then. Its a shame though as I had a dream of freeing a few minds, saving them from their culty bubble!



  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Don't give up too easy.

    There are 101 questions you can ask a JW. What often happens is that the hopeful householder/apostate/whatever tries to tackle the JW with more than their fair share of the 101 questions, which gives the JW the opportunity to cherry pick the subject of his choice.

    If you have 101 members in your church, you can give each one the task of researching ONE question to ask. This includes researching the standard answers plus the non-approved answers they are likely to pull out of their nether regions. Each member needs to be taught how to watch out for all of the diversion tactics the Dub wiill use to weasel their way out of answering the question.

    Get out from behind the curtains. These people should be afraid to send their kids out banging on doors.

    Good luck


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    That is kind of you to try and help. You have an "in" being your not baptised. Don't let them know your on apostate sites.

  • Chariklo

    Yes, educatingMyself, don't let me put you off too readily.

    I identified with you and kind of know how you feel. I never got to be baptised. I too have JW's whom I like, but realistically there is about zero chance of getting them to look at it again since although not exactly born in they have all been in since early childhood and are very, very committed, with children as missionaries etc.

    No chance.

    At times I feel vulnerable because they are indeed nice people with whom it's easy to relate, although there are also the other variety in the KH. Found Sheep, that's where I felt your comment could apply to me too, since I'm not baptised and am still in communiucation with them...because I find it hard to be rude to people who are otherwise the sort of people I get on with.

    These people should be afraid to send their kids out banging on doors.

    Black Sheep, I actually think using children, who can't possibly think freely for themselves, is really bad. Abuse, really.


    You CANT win an argument with a JW about end of the world dates - because they have that oh-so-convenient little loophole they like to call:


    they can change the date as often as they want

    just as they can change the doctrine as often as they want - and you cant win

    As said by others - they have stock answers for the BIG questions.

    SO why nt hit them with the LITTLE questions:

    like: why dont JW celebrate birthdays when in the OT Noah did?

    If JWS follow the OT law of not eating blood why do they allow the hair on the side of their temples to be cut? That is in the same set of laws!

    Its little things that REALLY get people thinking - becausae theyare ALREADY HARDENED TO THE ARMAGEDDON STUFF.

  • GLTirebiter
    I'm thinking about going back to my study conductor and saying I would get baptised if they could show me proof that...

    Remember, they are prepared with canned answers for all the questions they want you to ask, and scripts for "conversation stoppers" that let them give those answers no matter what question you do ask. Others who resisted at first have fallen to the effects of repeated, long-term exposure to the indoctrination. Better to leave them alone and stay away, why poke at a snake with a stick? If you slip up even once, you too could be bitten.

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