Please share your best home remedies!

by serenitynow! 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • serenitynow!

    I love home remedies. Being able to use things from around the house to fix stuff, or treat illness is great. A couple that I have used:

    Milk of Mag mask for oily skin. Wash your face, put a coating of MOM on your face for a couple of hours, or overnight, skin is a lot less oily.

    Apple cider vinegar to kill gnats fast! Put a saucerful of vinegar around the gnats and they will just dive on in die! Within an hour or two it starts to work. I've heard it also works for flies.

    And for bad chest congestion, Jack Daniels with honey and juice of at least one lemon (pulp is optional), warmed. Drink a mugful, you wake up feeling great and no more congestion!

    Anyone else have any good ones?

  • talesin

    Hot compresses for an earache.

  • Chariklo

    We all know about Vick rubbed on the chest for a really bad cold/sore throat/cough.

    Try rubbing Vick on the soles of the feet last thing at night. Magic! Very effective indeed. It also helps with the streaming nose and eyes variety of hayfever. I know. I used it this week.

  • finallyfree!

    once my cat brought flees into the house. hell!! i tried sprays, vacuuming, washing everything, they always came back. put a pyrex dish filled with an inch of water and a dash of dishsoap on the floor where they seem worst and put a small candle in the middle and light and turn the lights off so its the only lightsource. the fleas are attracted to the heat and light and they jump right in and die. super home remedy that really works, youll see dozens of dead fleas the next morning if not in an hour.

  • QuestioningEverything

    To get food that is stuck in your microwave-boil a cup of water for about 5 minutes. Then all you have to do is wipe it out-the food comes right off.

    Be careful though, cause the cup and water will be extremely hot.

  • serenitynow!

    Vicks on the feet helps with a cold? Interesting.

    A couple capfuls of bleach in the sink with dishwashing liquid eliminates the need to scrub dishes.

  • Iconoclast

    Pickles work to cure heartburn. A shot of white vinegar works just as well but tastes like crap.

  • Iconoclast

    Mustard baths work really well for deep congestion. You can find reciepes for it online.

  • snowbird

    Place a few cloves of garlic in a bottle of water, drink some before retiring for the night.

    Will lower blood pressure and clear out congestion.


  • Iconoclast

    @ Snowbird - Should work for a birth control, too, because no one is gonna wanna kiss you! LOL

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