I could not help but think of my devout Witness wife when I saw this in yesterday's funny pages:
It is reminiscent of something she said awhile back about being restored to all the glories of youth when the New System comes. From my non-theist perspective this is a sad example of escapism. Worse, it is wasting one's life. All the available evidence, all of it, indicates that reality is the here and now, that belief in a wonderful life after death (or after Armageddon) is an ancient fantasy. You are born, you live your life, you die. While it can be argued that hers is a happy delusion that helps her and others like her cope with the harsh realities of life and death, it is still a delusion. The days, months and years wasted, the relationships that are forever ruined for wont of delayed reconcilliation, all the things lost because we do not recognise how precious they all are, is the price that is paid.