does that make me a bad person, or just retarded?
As this forum proves time and again, those are not mutually exclusive.
by SixofNine 20 Replies latest jw friends
does that make me a bad person, or just retarded?
As this forum proves time and again, those are not mutually exclusive.
Bored with the forum, are you Nomen?
lol, maybe a little.
(who were you on... god I can't even remember what we called it... the old board, broken promises?) Obed's board?
I can't tell you who I was otherwise I'd have to kill you.
Tee hee hee.
(in spite of myself)
I was waiting for someone to say something about your post on the abortion thread, and I was going to reply that it had to be in jest because from what I know about you, you couldn't be serious!
I put lighter fluid on my ejaculate and set it on fire while I listen to: does that make me a bad person, or just retarded?
It makes you retarded, but more importantly it makes you guilty of porneia. Hang your head in shame.
I, too, initially thought you meant the abortion thread, dear Six (peace to you!), as that really was pretty outrageous (which word does not address whether what you posted is true or not). Since the outrageousness of that WAS addressed, though, I realized you must have been referring to yet another pretty outrageous comment.
Going for a record, are you?
SA, on her own...
See, Two-Third?
We all noticed.
Here's watching you, Bruh.