Is there a correlation between personality type and leaving the WT?...

by Tuesday 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser


  • mindseye

    INFP here with a strong T. Was born in, left unbaptized in late teens (don't remember exact age, just slowly drew away). Reason: My type tends to value authenticity. Once I learned the truth about the truth, I never felt at ease with the Witnesses. Also, I could never reconcile my 'independent thinking/feeling' personality with the nature of the religion. The religion clashed with my ideals.

    I find the Witnesses cater to SJ type temperament. The doctrinal, rigid nature of the religion tends to attract those who value structure above all else.

    Of course there's plenty of NTs and NFs that stay in and SJs and SPs that leave. I think the motivations are different. Intuitives are theoretical thinkers, and are more likely to question doctrine. But many may suppress these thoughts due to the org's guilt tripping, and ties to family. SJs and SPs tend to feel more at home in an 'organization', but may leave due to a certain event that triggers doubt. It may be an experience with an elder, a shunning, etc.

    Of course these are all generalizations from my own experience, and may vary in individual circumstances. I find my relatives who are SJ/SP function better in the org to an extent (though they don't seem truly happy), while my relatives that are N tend to fight their temperament. I think there's a great deal of cognitive dissonance among Ns who begin to analyze and dissect the doctrine.

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard


    Age 54

    Left 37

    left because up until then I considered that I had more to lose than to gain and then realized (accepted ) that in fact I had more to gain than to lose. I guess, in fact, that the time was then right for me. I had long thought, logically speaking, that it was not THE truth.

    I completely changed my life and have no regrets.

    Interesting test. Thanks for posting it...........bro/fellow INTJ

  • Chariklo


    So far, I seem to be the only one here....

    ENTPs are usually verbally as well as cerebrally quick, and generally love to argue--both for its own sake, and to show off their debating skills. ENTPs tend to have a perverse sense of humor as well, and enjoy playing devil's advocate. This sometimes confuses, even angers, those who don't understand or accept the concept of argument as a sport

    Oh so true

    Edit: just noticed, so far, everyone who has posted their results is iNtuitive. Don't know what that means...any ideas?

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith


    Age 38

    Finally stopped ignoring the cognitive dissonance.

    Notice everyone so far is EN/IN? I just took a webinar on this and it said that EN/IN are intuitive/forward thinkers/explorers/inventors. Whereas, ES/IS are sensors. Sensors prefer the world stay the way it is and prefer tradition to exploration. Which tells me the majority of people packing the churches are sensors.

  • talesin

    personality type: GENIUS long gone

    'nuff said

  • Tuesday

    So I'm curious for the INFJ's if they FELT something was wrong but couldn't find anything but when they finally did it was an emotional issue that finally did it.

  • cantleave

    Your Type is
    Strength of the preferences %

    You are:
    • slightly expressed extravert
    • slightly expressed sensing personality
    • distinctively expressed feeling personality
    • slightly expressed perceiving personality
  • simon17

    Age: 31

    Type: INT J

    Reason: False/illogical doctrine

    Actually this sentence in my personality type summary gives the reason pretty well: "Masterminds are highly theoretical, but they insist on looking at all available data before they embrace an idea, and they are suspicious of any statement that is based on shoddy research, or that is not checked against reality."

  • jwfacts


    Left at 35

    Illogical doctrines.

    I am interested at the number of I's on this board. High Control religions try to change an I to an E, as Extroverts are more suited to selling the message, such as through the door to door preaching work.

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