The next time a JW tries to tell you that natural disasters are a sign of the end...

by JimmyPage 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    We shouldn't be surprised, but every second religion that you care to mention is also joining in the chorus of the end is nigh...Evangelicals and Born Agains are the most irritating. I overheard a Christian colleague say in hushed tones to another (regarding the spate of earthquakes in Christchurch, the second largest city in New Zealand): "The Day of the Lord is getting closer". I could have swatted this deluded soul like an annoying mosquito - but I didn't want to inadvertently make her feel persecuted and even display greater lunacy.

    End-times believers have been plagued by pea-sized brains for millenia - that's why each generation naively ignores the tragedies and cataclysmic events of the past and focuses instead like candy-starved babies on immediate dramatic gratification...

  • sinis

    I do have to say that the geophysical effects of the Sun are being noticed not by Bible thumpers but REAL scientists, and there is some degree of concern.

  • steve2
    I do have to say that the geophysical effects of the Sun are being noticed not by Bible thumpers but REAL scientists, and there is some degree of concern.

    Which is very different from declaring that the Day of Judgement, the Great Tribulation, the Rapture, the Battle of Armageddon etc., is imminent. Still, religionists are not that stupid: They realized decades ago that by beefing up their hysterical claims with scientific "evidence" they sucked in so many more of the vast number of gullible people out there.

    For example, The Watchtower writers jumped on the "authoritative" book Famine: 1975 written in the mid 1960s. And who can forget that fascinating book The Late Great Planet Earth which quoted source after source that proved the earth was in a state of imminent collapse, oh, about 30 to 40 years ago.

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