"No Silence Of The Lambs"-Paducah Sun

by silentlambs 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • HenryP

    They should still report it to the authorities. Like I said before, I wished more states would adopt laws that requires it.

  • hawkaw
    I am not saying he should be disfellowship. I really doubt that he is considered in good standing.

    The apostate comment is in reference to what his intentions are, shown by his previous comments.

    The fact is he did lie to the reporter, but then he dares to label Watchtower attorneys as liers


    No you didn't say he was to be disfellowshipped. You labelled him an "apostate". I just explained he has not been disfellowshipped and there has been no committee set up to ex-communicate him. He is one of Jehovah's Witnesses in GOOD STANDING. Yep that's right - "GOOD STANDING" - and if he has apparently done something wrong as you claim then why the hell hasn't there been a god damn committee formed.

    Unless you want to provide the evidence there has been a meeting to confirm otherwise you don't have a leg to stand on.

    So there is no way - absolutely no way you can label Bill an apostate. Sick I tell you. Labelling people like that - sick.

    As for the lying - where the hell is the lying? All I see is Bill is saying there is going to be Hell to pay for what the WTS has done. And believe me - the last year has been hell and its about to get worse. If there has been slander why hasn't there even been a "hint" of giving him the boot?

    If Bill wants to use the "A" word in describing it - so be it. Let me tell you when Dateline starts telling the American public that perverts are free to rome in the Hall and are allowed and expected to freely knock (unspuervised) on everyone's door in the neighbourhood - I know what the reaction will be.

    Fact is Bill is still in GOOD STANDING unless you have something that can prove different and all Bill is doing is protecting innocent little kids. And that is way more important than listening to you worry about the reputation of some old guy.


  • Valis

    HenryP, if you are a student of religious history you would know that many who have sought to reform thier religion have been labelled heretic, apostate, and overall evil doer. Martin Luther is a fine example. He died trying to help the common parishoner. The Jehovah's Witnesses would not have come to be if it weren't for significant shifts in belief, members breaking off and forming thier own church for conscientous matters, doctrinal issues, and personal trauma they suffered at the hands of thier respective churches. Now then as far as castigating Bill. In my opinion, what Bill says to the media about the JW Pedophelia issue is the only responsible thing to do, for if there is anything that is more disgusting, its looking the other way while kids get hurt and grow up to be mentally downtrodden, fucked up and crazy. What if he said he was from the planet Skyron in the galaxy of Andromeda? You would pass it off as Bill posting under his handle, so we know who it is, regardless of his work on silentlambs, or his personal opinion, or crazy things he says to us. Sorry for weird example, but my point is, leave Bill alone, every defender of the innocent needs a break from the scrutiny of newbie.

    Don't make me open a can of this...


    District Overbeer

  • larc


    You do have an enlightened view. So, when is the Oranization going to adopt this policy. It is clear to anyone who has studied this subject in even a cursory way, that such a change should be enacted. Since the WT has studied this in dept, I ask again, why don't they change their policy???? Now, what I call an enlightened veiw, they would call "running ahead of the organization," which is a disfellowshipping offense. Henry, have you voiced your opinion amongst your brothers, and have you stated your opinion to anyone at Bethel? Just curious.

  • silentlambs

    While I feel your answers are excellent to the questions raised, I might make one clarification, I have never intended or had any hope to destroy Jehovah's Witnesses as a religion. There are plenty of others out there who perhaps wish to fulfill that role. The issue remains WT policy must change to protect children. When the public becomes aware and educated as to what they are doing to children, if they do not change they will destroy themselves by reproaching the God they claim to be honoring by their works. Remember the illustration of the tree and the fruitage? The bad fruit of wt policy hurting children are a direct result of what the gb directed. Whose fault is that? Mine for bringing it up? I don't think so.

    So as I remain a witness in "good standing" I hope it moves other witnesses to think about why. If I am liar then I should have been df over a year ago, if on the other hand I am telling the truth, then who are the real liars?

    For anyone to read so carefully all the information on the silentlambs issue and only come away with me being a liar and an apostate seems to question their objectivity at least. To define what the most would be might not be loving and certainly I never want to impute wrong motives to a fellow brother.

  • Celia
    I am not fond of those that are willing to use people that have been abused as children for their own personal fights against the Watchtower. These are being abused again and again, but this time by Mr. Bowen.

    Have you asked the abused people why they want their experiences to be known ? They want to prevent other children to suffer as they have, they want to have dangerous individuals removed so they won't abuse more children... They are heroes.

  • HenryP


    I understand your point. The problem with all of this issue is that even if the abuser ends up in jail, the hurt cannot be erased and the abused still grow up to be downtrodden or "fucked up".


    No I have not shared my opinion with anyone at Bethel. I figure they have already gotten the picture and are working to find a better way to handle the problem. But really if we compare the way things are handled now in regards to child abuser and compare it to 15 years ago, things haven gotten a little bit better.

    Mr. Bowen,

    Your response is not adequate. At least when comparing it to the accusations you are spreading about Watchtower attorneys Brown and Moreno. You accuse them of lying. I could use your same argument, if they are lying why are they not disfellowshipped. Kind of sounds silly, doesn't it?

    Don't take all this personal, like you've taken it personal against the Watchtower because they did not dance when you told them to dance.

    I question the way you use those abused as a personal vendetta against the Watchtower.

    The truth of the matter is that the Watchtower will not make any changes based on the yelling and whining that you do. The Watchtower only makes changes based information provided from within from members that are honest, humble and not out to destroy them.

    Don’t get me wrong. I want some changes made in this area, maybe not to the point that you want them, but don’t use those abused as guinea pigs. I am speaking from personal experience here and that’s as personal as I will get.


    I agree 100% with you.

  • Celia

    You agree, so where's your problem ?
    Mr. Bowen gave a safe place to all these abused persons, and they want to talk and get it off their chest, they finally learn by coming to the SilentLambs site that they are not alone, that others do believe them and want to help them...
    And the leaders of this sick organization hide in their Brooklyn Tower, hoping that it will all go away...

  • ashitaka


    I was not a silentlamb. Someone who I was friends with was. People did their best to lie to me, hide it from me, becuase they knew how I was. She was molested, was believed, but was still called a liar. She moved away, still tried to kill herself. She lost everything. Everyone shuns her because she DA'd herseld. I'm guilty as hell because I bought into the false story people fed me.

    I know she was definitly molested because of the bizzarre stories people told me to cover it up. If it was policy TO GO TO THE POLICE, no matter what, then elders and congregations have a long way to go as shepards of the flock. BTW, her molester was an elder.

    I came to find out the truth from someone here. We were talking about our experiences, and she layed it on me. Someone she was close to had been molested. It sounded so similar I dropped a name. It was the person who was molested. It explained everything. All of the secrecy, the half-looks when I asked how she was.

    It's a shame a sweet person, a good soul, is thought of to be damned by the people she grew up and sacrificed with, because she chose to tell the truth and stop some man who could hurt again. People told her to be quiet, and when she didn't they called her crazy and spread lies of mental illness around the state-(which wasn't difficult, she tried to kill herself). She promptly DA'd herself, and I haven't heard from her since. I'm guilty as hell about.

    I don't expect an answer from you, but this is what happened to me. Happened to a bunch of other people too. My wife told me of people in her native congregation with similar experiences. Molesters as well as people who didn't rape, but a forty YO elder who slept with a 14 YO, was disfellowshipped and reinstated five years later as an elder. Nothing ever said to the police. Even went to dinner with the guy. Nice guy. Knows a lot about opera. But a pederast.

    I'm not exaggerating or fibbing. It all really happened. I've heard a lot of similar situations to know it's true.

    Give me one good reason the JW's WOULD go to the cops. They're thinking is......numero uno-

    1)If this is known, it will bring reproach on Jehovah.

    I didn't see the words "we're protecting the kid" in that statement above.

    2)The bible dictates the use of two witnesses.

    You know the warped reasoning on this one.

    3)He's repentant. He won't do it again.

    Ahem.......really, is this the case? It's a crime, pure and simple. The fella didn't just steal a car in his youth, but destroyed a whole lot for another human being. If it happened to your daughters, you know what you'd do.

    Three will do for now.

    Henry, revise your argument. There's nothing about REAL PEOPLE anywhere in it; they are what matter here.


  • Gopher


    C'mon. The reason JR Brown and Mr. Moreno haven't been DF'd, is that they're defending the Society with their words, whether true or not.

    Have you never heard of "Theocratic Warfare", where it is allegedly OK to lie if you're protecting theocratic interests?? This is exactly what JR Brown is doing.

    Bill Bowen, on the other hand, comes under the Society's scrutiny because he is NOT supporting the Society on their backwards policy.

    Your argument is paper-thin and transparent.

    GopherWhy shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense.
    Mark Twain (1835-1910)

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