This kid totally grills this JW and exposes him as an absolute liar.
This video is awesome
by yourmomma 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thank you for sharing this video. I had not seen it.
Not only do they dodge the question, they then try to put a guilt trip onto the potential convert.
The so called 'elder' dodges the bullits. He probably thinks he was protecting the Society. When will they wake up
All I can say is that this young man showed so much restraint. I would've jumped on those elders with both feet!
Wasanelder Once
It was never established that the JW was an elder. If not then he could honestly say he has no literature that is for him especially. Word games I know but honest. Miketheatheist is in attack mode. When someone asks questions that he knows the answer to and wastes another's time I think they are dishonest. I wouldn't have given him the time of day. He was simply trying to torpedo the man. He was there sincerely and wasn't treated right. He showed the patience. Yes he choked on anwering questions about the book. Perhaps he hadn't seen it before? Either way I've never been a fan of these ambush videos.
agent zero
When someone asks questions that he knows the answer to and wastes another's time I think they are dishonest
that may be so in a private conversation, but this conversation was filmed so that others may watch and learn the truth. it serves the same purpose as interrogating an accused person in court, when the answers are known in advance but they need to be heard by those who will make their decision based on hearing this information.
Anony Mous
That is so typical though the method of answering, the method of subverting the subject and rejecting any criticism. They will lie to protect the organization, as the elder said: I don't have to tell you everything but that does not mean I'm lying. Technically, not lying but it's definitely deceiving. They just want converts and bible studies, they will avoid any other discussion.
The only reason the JWs were wasting their time on that conversation was so they could be sitting down counting time. The conversation was going nowhere as they just spent the whole time giving Mike the runaround. They were just counting mehours. If they really wanted to help people find the truth they would have moved on within the first couple of minutes.
agent zero
They just want converts and bible studies, they will avoid any other discussion.
as demonstrated by his repeated "tell me, do you want to study the bible with us or not?". it's bible study or bust. if the householder has a few incriminating questions he wants cleared up, it's not worth it for him, he wants to count a study.