Do you know of any witnesses that went to Jail/Prison? What did they do?
by Iamallcool 35 Replies latest jw friends
One guy I know did time for fraud like about half a million'
He wasn't DF'd though and still is in our congo
How long did he do the time? Do you know?
lamallcool check ur pm
I know of several that went to prison (5 yr. sentence which almost none did the full time) for the draft during the Vietnam War and a couple from WW 1.
Band on the Run
My uncle served time at Danbury Federal Prison during WWII b/c he refused to be part of the military. My father and other uncle qualified b/c they were at Bethel.
I don't know anyone from Viet Nam. WWII had a comrepehsive draft that was hard to evade. Viet Nam had a class based draft. Anyone who was middle class could get out if they really wanted to not serve. College, certain trades, family situations. The amount of time the US required for a ministerial exemption always equalled the pioneering hours. What a coincidence!
My uncle was extremely bright. He became a trustee. It was never discussed much. My mom had many friends who ended up in prison.
outaservice, I agree with you. I knew several jws that went to prison rather than join the military. WW2, Korea, Vietnam...and with the suspension of the draft in 1973, jws in other countries have gone to prison for the same reason, Korea has been in the news.
Of course, not only jws went to prison for the same matter; I work with 2 non-jws that spent time in prison for that reason.
I have known of 2 jws that went to prison for molesting/raping children. Interestingly enough, neither were ever df'd.
Other than the ones I knew that had to do prison sentences because of the military draft, there was a 15 year old from my old cong. that was "encouraged" (read coerced) to get baptized when he was 12. That was back in the late 1980's. He then went to live with his father and got involved in drug dealing and shot and killed two other drug dealers here in the Western Pa. area.
His mother was outraged that he was sentenced to 50 years in prison. (He was such a good boy) Yeah.....right! He was never anything but trouble but mommy refused to see it.
One of my fellow elders at the time told mommy that a 50 year sentence was the best thing that could have happened to him and she blew a gasket once again. The gist of what he said was......."well, if he wasn't caught, how long would it take until he was shot and killed? At least he will be alive in prison." Mommy didn't know what to say.
I'm sure by now that he has a real steady boyfriend.
I knew one bro. who served some years in a fed. prison for non-military service during Viet Nam. He served his time, got out, had kids, served as an elder, and then abandoned his wife and family for some young woman. He was DF'd right away and I don't believe he ever came back. I don't know if the state ever got him for child support either.
My husband went to prison in Seagoville Texas for 22 months for not joining the military. Just about ruined our marriage but somehow we survived. Our son was 3 months old when he left.