You got most of it right. However I think you are smarter than to think that this administration has a damn thing to do with it. This is systemic, and it's happening in many parts of the world, as evidenced in the op on the other thread.
You and yours love to say it's the governments fault, the government is evil, it should be "reduced to the size where it can be dragged into the bathroom and drowned in the bathtub". But you never look at who is controlling the government. Follow the money, the government is simply a tool given us by the founding fathers. Who warned us that it could be used by monopolies, bankers, and corporations to our detriment, if we let it. Well, we are and have been for at least 30 years.
Off topic AND wrong thread, AND an ignorant response in many ways (because it misidentifies the root of the problem).
Congrats, you've hit the trifecta of stupidity. The only thing that could have helped is a picture of a WT publication.