SA- Thanks for replying to my semi-rant. I hope to answer to my reports as to what the scriptures actually say, I think I can answer.
If the bible didn;t say that Jesus was God and the Holy Ghost was God ... Also, the bible doesn't say that the holy ghost is a god, but the God],
I am aware that the Bible says that Christ is the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 3:17), dear TTWSYF (peace to you!) and that some versions say he was "god" (although the latter truly is a mistransliteration of the Greek... which is a [mis]translation of Aramaic)... but can you point me to where it says that the Holy Spirit is a god OR [the] God? Thank you!
Answer- Acts 5 ;1-4 states that a lie to the Holy Spirit is a lie to God himself.
Malachi 2;10 states that there is one creator, Is 44;24 says that God/Jehovah alone created all things, Job 33;4 and Ps 104;30 state that the Holy Spirit is the creator......incidently John 1;3 and Col 1;16-17 state that Jesus was the creator........stupid bible, that's why people believe in the trinity
Mark 3;29 states that the Holy Ghost can be blasphemed.....Blasphemed? I do believe that only God can be blasphemed.
These scriptural examples are more than enough evidence as that is what the bible states. Not telling you an interpretation, only giving the scriptural references as they are written. These same references are confirmed in the writtings of the majority of the church fathers.
One more 'proof text' [mind you, I am not trying to convert you by any stretch, but I know what I am reading, right?] Eph 4;5 states that there is but one Lord, yet the Father and the Spirit both claim to be Lord. Matt 11;25 and Cor 3;17.
you cannot believe in the bible and beleive that Jesus was a god and the holy ghost was God's active force, that contridicts the bible and is false...sorry.
How, then, then Christ give "holy spirit" to his disciples when he "blew" on them? (John 20:22) Not that I believe in the Bible; I do not. But what exactly what it that he "blew" on them and told them to "receive"?
I am not sure as to a detailed discription of the Trinity as it is a mystery as much as God is. We cannot even comprehend the concept of not having a beginning can we?
Do you believe the bible is the word of God
Well, no. Because it isn't. The Bible itself tells you what the word is... and it isn't itself. (John 1:14; Revelation 19:13) How can one "believe" in the Bible, yet not believe what it says?
You don't believe that it is, but I do. We certainly are entitled to our opinions, but the scriptures are quite clear that ALL scripture is beneficial to men.
or are you of a different faith like Islam or Mormanism or something else?
Ummmmm... if you mean different from those who believe the Bible is the word of God, I would have to say "something else." However, christian is accurate...
So you don't believe the bible is the word of God, so you don;t believe Jesus is God in the flesh [Emanuel=God with us], so you couldn't have faith in salvation in HIS name so....are you sure you're a Christian?
No such thing as believeing somethings in the bible and not others.
Sure there is. Because the Bible's been tampered with. It was prophesied and Christ corroborated that when he condemned the work of the scribes along with that of the Pharisees. And, for those who believe it couldn't BE tampered with... why the warning in the Revelation? There's no point in warning against something that CAN'T be done; one only warns as to something that CAN... but SHOULDN'T... be done. Since when has "shouldn't" stopped earthling man?
I repectfully disagree with you on many fronts. 1st-How would you decern what is true and what is false? ie -Gabriel did go to Mary and tell her that she would bear Jesus, but there's no such thing as the Devil.
What proof or evidence is there that the bible has been tampered with? Names, dates, etc?
There exist thousands and thousands and thousands of anceint copies of the old and new testaments that have been found and confirm the existence of a consistant group of scriptures. Furthermore, all of the gospels and the majority of the bible cannon confirmed around 380-381 had been previously confirmed around 187 ad.
If that;s the case, you're no christian,
Ummmm... believing in the Bible isn't a prerequiste to being a christian, dear one. Believing in Christ... and receiving an anointing from him with holy spirit... is what makes one a "christian" ("christ" - kristos - chosen/anointed... "ian" - person). C'mon, if you're gonna push the Bible as the be all end all of it all... then at least know what it says. You know, beyond the "usual" one or two verses that Bible-worshippers like to through out every now and again.
It takes more than just believing in Christ. You must repent and be baptized in the name [name once] of the Father, the Son and the Holy ghost [3 beings] and be born again. Furthermore, your true conversion would be justified by works [and I don;t mean going to prisons pushing the Watchtower]
you're a Jew or a mormon or a muslim.
A Jew, yes, but in blood, not faith. And so far back it doesn't really matter... right now.
Look, try reading your Bible with a Greek Interlinear help aide... that gives definitions for the Greek words, as well as shows things like which words were/weren't capitalized (all) and what conjunctions, qualifiers, and other words were/weren't really used. Might shed a whole NEW LIGHT for you on what's REALLY in the Bible.
Again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,
Thanks again SA. If you want more scriptural examples of the divinity of the Holy Spirit and/or the divinity of Jesus, I am more than happy to post them. Thanks for thinking of me with an interliniar, I probably do not need an interliniar as I avoid mistranslations like the NWT. I know he capitals argument, it has now weight to me.
peace to you too, sincerely,