Were you ever DF'd? For what and how long?

by QuestioningEverything 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • sd-7

    Oh, and my DF'ed state--which is irrelevant, it's like being drummed out of the KKK--um, it's ongoing, 1 year, 3 months, 5 days and...about 19 hours and counting.


  • NewChapter

    I knew someone that was never in trouble, had pioneered, was a good dub. After she was df'd for the first time, she attended every meeting. She wrote many letters. They still kept her out for 6 years! It was crazy. Even her ex told the elders that if they were holding a grudge on his behalf, he was quite over it. He wanted them to let her back in for his children's sake. Still nothing. After 6 years of faithful meeting attendance and all the rest of the trash they FINALLY reinstated her---but not before she missed some important events in her children's lives.


  • truthseeker1969

    Believe it or not I was disfellowshipped for farting during a meeting.

    The odor was sooooooooooooooooooooo bad that the brothers moved the the left and right of me giving the Elders evidence that i was causing a division in the congregation. Hey they had to find something!

  • godrulz

    WT/GB is playing god in a Pharisaical way. Salvation/eternal life is based on faith vs unbelief in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ, not on conformity to endless rules and regulations from unbiblical, fleshly men. The control over JWs/families is unbelievable and cultic. Church discipline should be redemptive, not punitive. It is not tied into our relationship with God if it is not a rejection of God Himself. WT DF/shunning is not biblical nor humane, just manipulative and harsh. Many ex-JWs must live in fear when they are separated from the destructive organization. Thankfully, salvation is not tied into obedience to men, but to God (WT is a false religion, not a mediator to God). I pray that those who are hurting will know the grace and love of God (His holiness also leads to repentance and loving obedience, but it is to God and His Word, not changing, ridiculous rules of men). Awake? Wake up sheep!

  • Luo bou to
    Luo bou to

    Yes For supporting my daughter's decision to not have the child of her rapist I continued to attend meetings for 7 months then they wanted me to apply for reinstatement I refused What's the point I was not repentant And if I did not need to be then the whole process is a farce.

    All this talk of Jehovah giving us free will Where was my daughter's freewill to reject the religion I raised her in Yet I was expected to force her. No way Our children are not possessions to control and manipulate. Anyway she did me a favor Cause I smelt a rat and began to research and question the basis of my trust in the Org's claim to divine direction

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Luo bou to, I've always liked reading your posts but my respect for you has just doubled.

    My then-fiance was publically reproved for sexual immorality - and it wasn't with me.

  • godrulz

    DF for smoking is proof that WT is legalistic, Pharisaical, clueless, not God's organization. Godless unbelief leads to eternal death, not addiction to a substance that may get you to heaven quicker, but won't keep you from it in light of His shed blood (it is something believers should be free from, but it does not negate the fact that they are believers).

  • Girlie

    Not DF yet, but at the rate I am going with being a bit vocal of my feelings, might be in the making soon.

  • NomadSoul

    I wasnt', they tried, but I never spoke a word to them. I asked my mom if they DF and told me they didn't because they couldn't establish communications with me. Of course they were going for apostasy since I told my parents I didn't believe the Watchtower was God's organization.

  • Magwitch

    DF'ed in 2008 for having the best, most pleasurable, wild sex I could ever imagine. Of course, being married 20 years with a once a week missionary position episode lasting 50 seconds, is not that hard to beat.

    Reinstated? NEVER

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